I went to meet Miguel, excited about any information about Sir Theodore Fawkes. "What is this about?"

"About who he is." Miguel said.

"We don't have to do anything that would take our time. Let's just browse for information about him." Sunny said.

"Did we even try searching for any information about him online?" I asked, and Sunny took out his phone.

"Maybe he even has an address that's well known if his beautiful mansion is nowhere on the map." He said, tapping quickly, while Miguel and I continued sliding through the pages.

"So Theodore is the oldest vampire that we know, and he's worked closely with four generations of royal vampires. So how old does that make him?" Miguel asked.

"I don't know. Vampires are said to be immortal? Does that mean we wouldn't ever die?" I asked Sunny, who was still scrolling through.