What the heck? They were asking me to get married to an eight-year old girl?

Sunny looked away, smiling, and mocking me with his inability to control his urge to smile.

Ari on the other hand was rendered completely speechless.

The princess walked in, her yellow dress blowing out around her. To be honest, she looked like an upside down wine glass. She walked with the utmost care, her corset looking like it was on a mission to crush her ribs. Her horns weren't as crossed as her mother's, but they were elegant, and wrapped in yellow bow ties.

And I was to marry her?

The princess sat at the table, looking at us all, with an uncertain smile.

"Mom can be really mean sometimes, but I tried to save you all." She said slowly, looking at Ari, who nodded slowly, sinking in every word.

"Thank you. That's really nice of you." Ari replied.