It had been so unbelievable for me. Was mother going to end like that? Just like that? Dad told me not to look, but how could I not look?
That was a serious problem— watching her not moving, knowing that if I called her, she wouldn't respond. Then, he'd flung me so hard into the ground that my head spun. I hit my head on a rock, and could feel something warm spilling out— blood. Dad rushed to me, and immediately he crouched over me, I watched the sword come forward from his heart to wedge itself deep into the ground.
His blood splattered over my clothes, and I could see his face contort in pain.
'Darling, you look beautiful today.' He struggled to say, wincing, with each movement he made.
'Dad.' My voice broke, unable to watch him stare at me with so much pain and sadness.
'Want me to sing? Come on, don't be scared.' He smiled, and I could see his teeth colored red.