We walked into the room, prepared for us, and marveled. Sapphire stones hung from the ceiling, while golden lampposts stuck to the walls.
Chandeliers in different expressions of beauty hung down gorgeously, and the smooth walls were painted in cream and gold.
Shelves, desks, closets, wardrobes, books… everything needed to make a room feel like a home was there. They even had sofas, coffeemakers, a television, and flowers by the window to water on a daily basis.
"Holy cow!" Sunny exclaimed, walking in.
Two large beds stayed far from each other, and next to one of the beds was the curtain I'd asked for. I ran to it, pulling it back and forth.
"Exactly what I need." I squealed in excitement, feeling my heart swirl in joy.
The maids walked in, bringing large bags with them.