Joana started to speak first.

"To give a little spark to life, doing the same thing over and over again is boring"

"The truth is that Joana and I have tried it a few times, but the last time one of the knots started to get too tight and we were afraid he would hurt himself..."

Sara pointed to Alex.

"Well, I have a small independent porn production company, these things sell very well, they have their audience but I don't want any of the girls who come to have a bad time"

"I'm Thomas, I'm an actor and scriptwriter, I want to get ideas, and I like these things"

Sara nodded her head. She pointed to Orbinwa, although the boy's Spanish wasn't very good, she ended up speaking in French with Alex.

"He says that if he has to learn to tie a woman up to earn a living, he will learn it, he learns anything, Orbinwa is one of our actors, I think you can all guess why..."