Cass checked himself out in the full length mirror in Lord Blackburn's closet and sighed. Well, he certainly looked the part.
The ensemble that Sam had picked out for him certainly screamed villain. Honestly, Sam was uncannily good at selecting outfits that would make a regular bad guy weep. He took Lord Blackburn's already questionable looks and was able to transform them into true villainy. The black lace was a very nice touch.
He had a talent, but Cass wasn't sure how useful it was going to be to him.
Thankfully, Sam had other talents, so Cass wasn't too worried, but it did come in handy sometimes.
"You've outdone yourself, Sam. I look like I own a slave market." Cass told him and Sam chuckled.
"There is no need to compliment me, my Lord, but thank you." Sam's cheeks were flushed, his eyes warm as he looked over his work. "You don't…own any slave markets, do you my Lord?" Sam asked carefully and Cass shrugged.