A devious dragon

Cass was panicking. He could feel how his body was trembling, and he knew that this was a lot. 

Of course this was a lot. A fucking dragon was pressing him into his own desk, like those fucking romance female leads, and he had a feeling his hand on his mouth wasn't going to cut it if Draken really pressed the issue. 

"Cassian? Are you going to answer?" Draken asked, his gaze burning as he stared at him. Cass swallowed. He was sure he looked exactly the way he shouldn't when around a creature like Draken. 

He looked like prey. There, he fucking admitted it. He was weak, smaller than the other man, and he was flustered. 

Cass probably looked like a delightful snack, and Cass hated that. Fuck. 

"I-I am not going to answer a question when you haven't answered mine!" Cass shot back, trying to find his backbone. It was, unfortunately, being bent back by the monster before him, and Draken's teeth flashed as he smiled.