The less people who know, the better

"I am just going to ask this for medical purposes, but did anyone do this to you?" The Doctor asked as Sam helped Cass undress. Cass let out a low chuckle as more of his bruised and damaged skin was revealed, along with the terrible state his hands were actually in. The Doctor did their best to keep their expression neutral, but it was clear that even they thought he was in poor condition. 

"I can assure you, this was all done to me by my own hand." Cass said. It was clear that they assumed maybe Draken had a role to play in this, but Draken didn't pick up on what they were implying. Instead, the dragon looked glum and horrified by what he was witnessing. He was standing still, allowing Sam to take over the spot that he had beside Cass so that he could help him. 

He was only a few steps away, standing between the coffee table and the other loveseat. Steam was rising from his nostrils, and if he was trying to hide what or who he was, he was doing a piss poor job.