Arcane Symposium, Part Seventeen

[Finally, some good fucking entertainment!]

I wrap my arms around Haruka from behind and put my chin on her shoulder, letting her ass press against me as we watch Takeshi and the twins take their positions. She leans back against my chest and turns a little, still keeping her eyes on the stage. 

"So like, what are the actual rules?" she asks, wiggling that slutty butt of hers against me. "Have you looked into that shit?"

"Basically 'try not to kill each other' or somethin'. At least, that's what I'm expecting," I explain. "It's like Mixed Magical Arts - you know, those fights I'm always watching?"

"OHH, like when you're screaming at your phone about submissions and shit?"

"Yeah, yeah, that sorta thing!" 

[God, I love how she pretends to listen when I'm ranting about MMA. It's so cute.] 

Sato steps between the competitors, looking like he's about to announce a funeral instead of a fight.