The library's quiet except for the scratch of my pen against paper and Haruka's humming. She's bent over our runic diagram. We already finished most of the work but now she's just adding little flourishes to, in her words, "make the drawings pop".
I'm trying to focus. Really.
But every time she leans forward, I remember how she looked yesterday morning - on her knees, hungry eyes fixed on Akari's-
I sigh.
[Couldn't they have done that literally anywhere else? Fuck.]
"Ohhh... You know, if we connect these two lines here," Haruka points at the paper, her fingers trailing over the ink, "the resonance should be stronger. What do you think?"
What do I think?
I think her boobs are almost *too* big, honestly.
"Nao-chan?" She waves her hand in front of my face. "You still with me?"
"Yeah." My voice comes out rougher than intended. "The, uh, the lines. Right."
Her grin spreads slow and wicked.