In a world where power is everything, Kaito, a seemingly ordinary 15-year-old boy, is thrust into an extraordinary destiny. Orphaned at a young age, he has lived a life filled with uncertainty and mystery. But his fate changes forever when he meets Miya, the first of the Seven Queens—a powerful, otherworldly being who chooses him as her King.
Unbeknownst to Kaito, the world is divided into two forces: Kings and Queens. The Queens, each possessing immense power, are bound by a mystical contract to their King, the one person capable of unlocking their true potential. Together, they fight not just for survival, but for their very place in a world teeming with monsters, danger, and secrets.
As Kaito's journey begins, he learns of his true heritage—a lineage of powerful kings and queens, immortality, and a bond that transcends time. Along the way, he will meet six other queens, each as unique and formidable as the first, and each with their own strengths and ultimate powers. Yet, the road ahead is not without its challenges, for in this world, the King is not only the protector but also the lover and partner of his Queens.
The Queens Kaito will meet are:
1. Miya – The first Queen, whose power to command light and energy makes her a force to be reckoned with. Wise, gentle, and patient, Miya forms the foundation of Kaito's journey, guiding him with unwavering support and teaching him how to wield his new powers.
2. Kazehana – The second Queen, who controls the power of wind. A playful yet fiercely protective spirit, Kazehana has waited lifetimes for her true King, and with Kaito, she will finally find peace. Her playful nature contrasts with her fierce determination to protect him.
3. (The Remaining Queens) – Each queen brings their own special abilities and histories, and as Kaito's journey unfolds, he will form deep, unbreakable bonds with each of them. Together, they will rise above the trials they face, from the deadly monsters that threaten their world to the dark secrets lurking in the shadows.
In this world, power, love, and destiny are intertwined. As Kaito grows into his role as King, he must face unimaginable trials and grow in strength, learning to balance his duties and the love he shares with his Queens. The line between duty and love blurs as Kaito begins to understand that being a King is not just about power—it's about the bonds he forms with his Queens, the ones who will shape his future and his heart.
Kaito is the King of seven Queens. But in the end, will he rise to the challenges ahead, or will the burdens of his destiny prove too great for him to bear?
This is the story of love, strength, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bond between a King and his Seven Queens.