Many Moons

Kagome pouted walking behind him. This was just great. She was back, and for what and why now?

"Something on your mind, Miko," He wasn't used to her being silent.

"A lot," She snapped,

He stopped walking. "It has been many moons since you left."

"Six, it's been six years."

"Why have you returned if it angers you?"

"I told you, I don't want to be here; I fell." Ok, that was a lie, but what use was it telling him? Sesshomaru didn't do emotions.

He raised an eyebrow. "You fell?"

"Yes, smartass."

He didn't much know what a smartass was "Yes, Miko, I am very smart."

She rolled her eyes. "I was just visiting my family shrine,"

"Your family shrine is on my land?"

"Wait a minute, since when is this your land?"

"Since I started protecting it," He turned and began to walk again; she walked along, trying to keep up. "And when did you start protecting it?"

He stopped again. "Six years ago,"

Kagome's jaw dropped. Sesshomaru began to walk again.

"Wait, what?"

"I will not repeat myself, woman; you heard clearly,"

"Where is Inuyasha?"

"That, Miko, I do not know; believe it or not, I am not his keeper,"

"Oh, I believe it," She said under her breath,

"So you did not wish to return, tell me, Miko, do you not miss your companions?"

"No, I do; it's just, I made a wish!"

"I am aware,"

"I didn't think I would come back, even, even if I had the choice."

"Then you do not miss them?"

"No, I miss everyone, every day!"

Once again, he stops and looks back at her. "Even I?"

When he asked that, for some reason, it felt like he had opened an old scar.

"Yes, Sesshomaru, even, you."

She was hurt, but why? Tears started forming in her eyes. "I, I don't know if I can do this again."

Why would the well not let her go home?

"There must be a reason for your return,"

"No!" She snapped, "Maybe my wish was wrong; maybe this is my punishment,"

"What do you speak of, woman?" She was beginning to irritate him; perhaps if he threw her down the well,

"I know I don't belong here, Sesshomaru."

"And how would you know this?" They were close to his home once more,

"Because im from the future,"

"You were from the future the first time; it would seem fate does not care."

"No, but this time it is different,"

"Get on with it, woman."

"Sesshomaru, I know because I read the story,"

This had him stopping dead, right before his castle. "Story?" He slowly turned to her,

She nodded. "I know what happens to everyone."