Two Down, One More


The monkeys screamed in a frenzied state as they all jumped towards him.

It didn't matter what they thought of him — as someone who had managed to take down the whole group of beasts on his own. The moment he stepped into their territory, the only fate that awaited him was death by their hands.

Kieran looked back for a bit before commencing his attack, swinging his scythe though the air while slowly moving around carefully. He didn't want to go back to being encircled like earlier.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much land in the area of the monkey's, the pool of water extended to the other side, leaving a little amount of solid land, but the monkeys themselves had no problem woth that since they mainly lived on the bunch of trees at the back, putting Kieran at a disadvantage, with little room for maneuver.

'I can do this!'

Kieran chanted in his mind and let out a deep breath, his attack speed slowing down.