“Stop screaming for God’s sake!” Clyde hushed the citizens of the city. Not that they were to blame as a large robotic creature was invading their town and crushed a few small vehicles in its path.
Some police vehicles stopped in front of him, and police officers emerged with guns aimed at the former human.
“Woah! Please don’t shoot—AHH THAT STINGS!” Clyde winced at the bullets hitting him. He leaped over them and began to run off. “I need help! Somebody help!”
Military soldiers came in with tanks. The general was on a helicopter ready to give the order. “We must keep it in one spot once troop five has evacuated all civilians”.
“Tanks?! No, don’t shoot me! I did nothing wrong!” Clyde yelled.
“That thing can talk?!” Female agent Danielle gasped. “You guys think we should hear it out?”
“No way! It could be trying to trick us into NOT shooting”, Agent Kane figured.
Clyde pleaded, “Please listen to me—”
“Giant tasers, now!”