5- sweet girls

After we got home, we made our way to our rooms, and took a well needed bathe. After my bathe I made my way into my room size walk in closet. Picking out a floral night gown with lace underwear.

Exiting my closet, I made my way downstairs, meeting Madison in the living. By the time I got there she was already stuffing her face with popcorn. Plopping down beside her, I couldn't ask for anything more. I'm living a double life with my sister, and I can still enjoy the sweetness of life.

"Here you go ma'am" Lydia said, handing me a plate of strawberries with melted chocolate on top. I nod, taking the plate and gesturing for her to go. I don't really communicate with the workers much only when my parents are around. Which is just me being sweet.

"What are you watching" I ask, taking a bite of my strawberry.

"I really don't know, but it has the do with these three teenage girls cooking magical spells in food, from this weird magic cook book" she tries to explain, Madison had an habit of picking movies and not looking on the title. Once she sees a pretty cover she'll watch it, or read it.

We sat there for what feels like hours, till somehow, my back was on the seat and my feet were over the arm of the sofa and my head in my sister's lap.

I ended up dosing off in her lap.

Feeling my body shake, I groan. Making myself more comfortable on the soft surface. Feeling my shoulder being shook once more, I groan turning once more, but fell with a loud thump.

I groan, opening my eyes to the sight of the leg of the couch and my parents white shaggy carpet.

Hearing people laugh, I look up to see my mom and dad sitting in the two seat couch, and my sister still sitting in the skyscraper.

Pushing myself up, I took a seat next to Madison and stared at my parents. The thing about my parents was the love that they share, that connection.

"How was school girls" my father ask, wrapping his arms around mom's waist.

"It was the usual" my sister response, dipping her hand in a new bowl of popcorn.

"Of course it was, school is-"

"Always boring"

"Thank you Judie"

"Right back at ya Brad"

Okay, weird fact about my parents. They always finish each other's sentences, then thank each other. It's cute at time to know their thinking the same thing, but sometimes it's creepy. Their like Fred's parents in scobby doo. It's sometimes creepy and the fact that their always together would kinda freak you out, especially if their arguing.

"So how was-"


"Thank you Judie"

"Right back at ya Brad" of all this conversation their having with themselves, they still have a bright smile on their face. You'll get use to it, once your going as crazy as they are.

"We got a new lab partner" I told them, dipping in my sister's bowl of popcorn.

"Yeah, the jock of our school, and boy is he dumb" Madison says, slapping me on the wrist. I pout, picking at the few popcorns I got.

"He's the total Kermit the frog" I said, but my sister disagrees.

"No he's not. Even Kermit has more sense than that blender" I chuckle at my sister's assumption. Our parents chuckling along with us, before saying.

"You girls-"

"Are something"

"Thank you Brad"

"Your welcome Judie"

Yeah their weird people, I know but you'll get use to it. By the way they buy our sweet acts, so I care less about their sanity.

"Speaking of something-" my mother starts.

"Your mother and I-"

"Have a surprise"

"For both of you" my father said, rummaging through my mother's purse.

"Thank you Brad"

"Your welcome Judie" my father replies tossing two keys our ways.

My sister and I exchange looks before turning back to them.

"You both-" my father starts.

"Got your own car" my mother finishes.

"Thank you Judie"

"Right back at ya Brad" my parents said before leaving us in the room and disappears upstairs.

I don't see why they got us cars, I mean I don't mind the gifts. But we have about twenty different cars in our house size garage, so I don't see why two more. Turning to look at my sister mirrored expression. We just got up and went to our rooms. Tomorrow is bound to be less weird. I already cancelled my meeting with angel for tonight, and I'll get updates on the guy's tomorrow.

Before I could fall asleep, I heard my door knock and soon after my sister's head pops into the room.

"Come on" I called her, sitting up.

"I was wondering since Ace wanted us to go to the beach with them tomorrow we could go shopping after school" she says, sitting on the edge of my bed.

I nod, "Sure, but don't you have already" I asked, even though our parents see us as sweethearts, they still by bathing suits for us but its always a one piece.

"Yea but those are so old, since Candy might be there we might as well look our best, right" she smile, well she makes a point. If Candy knows we're coming she might try to out dress us. I remember junior year when she tried to out dress us at prom. We wore simple, knee length ball gowns and she went all out, changed at least five times that night, till she ended up in a pink floor length ball gown and heels she kept tripping over.

That girl would do anything to be better than us and so far we haven't even tried. Sometimes I wonder why she tries but I never care to ask cause I know it'll be a waste of breath.

"Sure, after school we can go to the mall, I need some more make up anyways, it'll be fun" I chime, hugging my sister. But instead of her leaving, she made herself comfortable on my bed and fell asleep. After switching off the lights I was out as well.