During class, I hardly got to pay attention since the guys kept asking weird questions about the car. I would yell at them and tell them to shout the fuck up are else, but I can't since I'm miss flower.
After Math, I had chemistry with Jason, which lead to me calling him señor lagarto again. Cause he kept texting and asking stupid questions.
"Where are you from original" he ask, typing away on his phone.
"England" I told him, truthful I was, I was born in England and moved to Malibu when I was five.
"Are you a virgin" he ask.
"Till I die"
"But virgins are over rated" he said looking up at me.
"So are assholes, but you managed to pull it off" my sister hiss/mumble, looking over the worksheet.
"Anyways......, do you like Ace" he smirks, I was a bit confused as to why he asked such a question. I mean the nigga just fucking blurted it out. An I can't say I like him, I mean I hardly know the dude and even if I do to him and everyone else I'm a nerd. He'd never go for me, I'm not his type anyways, and my head would be the first to go if anyone thinks I like him. But I can't say I don't like him as a friend, wait are we friends. We just started taking yesterday so I don't know how to label this between us.
"I like him as a friend" I told him after deciding that there's nothing there. I mean I don't think there is.
"I mean more than a friend" he ask, taking the worksheet from my hands.
"I don't know señor lagarto, now give it back" I whisper, reaching for my paper.
"Miss Lockhart, Mister King" the teacher call out to us.
"Sorry Miss -" I paused, what's her name, instead of pulling a brain muscle I repeated the "Sorry", then got back to work with are without the paper.
During lunch, we were once again visited by the whole football team. Which was a bit nagging, cause Jason decided to ask the question again. But I ignored.
Gym was a pass since the team had a match to play. Ace asked, well more like begged me to stay and watch, and cheer him on. Key word him not his team. That's what a girlfriend does. I watched as Candy and the cheer leaders did their cheers. They weren't bad, but they weren't good either. If I was a judge I'd give them three for effort, and five to keep my head.
During half time, Ace would constantly look up at the stands and smile at me, he even came and gave me the muffin he got cause he doesn't like banana, I hardly got to eat any cause my sister stuffed her face with it. But from what I got it was good.
After the match we won the other team by fifteen touch downs. Mostly done by Ace or Jason. I don't know much about the game, since this is my first time watching. But it was great to watch and see hot, masked guys get knocked over.
Afterwards, we told the guys later and head to mall.
We're now in one of my cloth stores, picking out two piece bathing suits.
"How's this" my sister ask picking out a blue two piece with gold designs at the front, marked Diva. I instantly shock my head. Somehow I was feeling a bit uncomfortable, not because of the amount of lingerie I'm surrounded by, I'm use to it now.
It jus feel like someone's watching me. Turning around, I saw a man with raven black hair, waking out of the store. Than it's gone. It was kinda weird, who in their right mine would be watching me. I'm the last person people would look to kidnap. After an hour of choosing of bathing suits, Madison got hungry. So we head over to the food court. After order a large pepperoni pizza, a burger, with two large coke. We took a seat and ate in peace.
At least my sister did, I could still feel holes being drilled in the back of my head. Pulling out my phone, I hold it up pretending to do my make. Seeing a guy around my age staring at me with a two other men. One with blonde hair and the other with brown hair and the boy had dark hair, but not like the one I saw in the store. His hair was a bit lighter, almost like brown.
Then who was the one in the store?? And why were they watching me???
"What are you doing, your not wearing makeup so what are you fixing" Madison ask, pulling my attention from the guys.
I debated on weather to tell her are not, if I do she'll just make it obvious. I sighed, deciding not to tell her.
"Nothing, just checking out the guy's passing by" I lied, putting my phone back. Putting my untouched burger in my bag with the unopened coke. An ate my fires. I don't know why people leave their leftovers on tables, I can't see good food go to waste.
After throwing away our trash we made our way home, and got ready. Our parents were out of town for the week, so it's just us and the workers. After taking a shower, I get dressed in a black two piece Swimsuit with adjustable neck & back bow tie, top is supported with comfortable padding cross tie around the waist.
Me in the black and my sister in the olive green. Pulling on a floral v neck cover up, grabbing my beach bag and made my way outside and saw my sister leaning on my car.
"Really, why not your car" I ask, unlocking the car.
"I like yours better" she smiles, sitting in the passengers seat. Pulling out of the driveway, I couldn't help but check the rear view mirror. Seeing a black Audi following us. At first I didn't take it as much till I made a u turn. Glancing over at my sister, realizing she sees it too.
"This should be fun" she smirks, with that I step on the gas.