23- love is true

We all were gathered in the nursery, while I told my story. KB, Sia, Angel, Double A, Marco and Tyreek came in during my short tail. They've been told stories of Blaze and I before but this one I've never told. They always asked, but I always reject.

My sister knows everything about me, every stories, every memory with Blaze. Everything except this. This was the one story I kept to myself. It makes me take a closer look at life, and what would've happened if he never left.

Maybe if he didn't, I wouldn't be sitting here with so many of my members who I've come to love so much. It just proves that things happen for a reason.

"That was the most beautiful story I've ever heard. You two came such a long way" Bliss smiles, drying her tears. Most of the girls were already sobbing.

"You've never told us this one, why?" Sia sniffs, wiping the little the makeup smudge from her cheek.