The next morning, well let's just say. Some kids woke up with aching body parts, and some full naked and their head in some kids private part. Not a pretty sight.
The teacher woke up late so the kids kinda got away with it. Some girl woke up crying about her virginity which was sad. Everyone was clueless about what happened last night, and fun fact no one remembers anything about the brownies.
What made me laugh was the fact the Candy woke up in a tree in Mandy's lap. All Sia's crazy idea. They both ended up arguing about who's more of a slut and who slept with who. The fact that both girls screwed the whole football team didn't surprise anyone. Candy's face was drown on with a permanent maker. I wonder by who.
An no it wasn't me, this was all Sia and Madi.
The two men were also moved to mountain hide out. I made sure that KB got the hint to burn the dead body after I found out they were members of the Cartel's.