48- open wound

Stepping out of the hospital building, drying my tear stained cheek. What he said, brought back unbearable memories, the ones that broke me the most.


"When are you going to tell him, he deserves to know, better sooner than later, cause if he finds out from someone else he'll be pissed, I should know" he said, rubbing my back.

"He'll never forgive me for losing our first child due to my stupidity" I sob, closing my eyes allowing my tears to fall.

"He'll understand, and he loves you, he wouldn't have proposed if he didn't, he'll understand" he exhale, rubbing circles in my back

End of flashback

I've tried for years to forget, but with all the stress and pressure, It keeps clawing at my inside. I want to tell him, the whole truth, but if I open up the wound now, I don't know what'll happen.