Blaze's POV
It's been almost a month since I saw her, almost a month since I found out. I haven't been to the penthouse since, are even contacted her. As much as I'm upset, I can't say I don't miss her.
I do.
I love her for crying out loud.
I'm engaged to her, but I can't dismiss the fact that she didn't tell me. I deserved to know about my unborn child. I know it was too early for her, but I would of made it work for all of us.
My child would be walking, going to school and messing up words. I'd of hired a tutor for her to finish her studies by my side. I still don't know how it happened, but just the thought of my dead unborn child is enough to tick me off.
"Dude pay attention" I heard Tyler exclaim, snapping me from my thoughts. I sighed, bouncing the ball and threw it in the net.