Chapter 25: Husband Luke

"Raven, you've outdone yourself," Luke whispered. 

Now, fully transformed, Raven shouted and began to howl with feigned exuberance as he reveled in the power that flooded through his voice. He looked at Luke with eyes full of gratitude and admiration. Their loyalty bond grew stronger than before.

Unable to hold his excitement in, he rushed forward, bouncing toward Luke in a not-so-graceful hug.

Luke frowned. "What are you doing?" he snapped, jumping aside like an acrobat. "Away from my chest!"

Raven hit the ground awkwardly, his body rolling against the Flame Vein. His head was deep into the magma, and he had to pull and yank a few times before he was able finally to lift his head out.

Luke shook his head angrily. "All that power and you're still the stupid fool."

Raven's ears perked up, and turning around, he held something proudly between his jaws, hiding some fiery-red spirit with energy thumping within him.