Chapter 26: Expanding the Circle

That caution seemed wholly crazed, especially considering the territorial mentality of demon wolves. Luke was by now curious, for there came a nagging instinct that warned him something was amiss. 

That evening Tanya walked up to Luke with her hand resting maternally on her big belly, with Zoe trailing closely with weariness and excitement written all over her.

"Luke," Tanya said, her voice ringing with playful sarcasm. "Zoe is already six months along, and I'm five months along. At this rate, we'll soon be unable to keep up with your sessions. We want you to go and find another partner."

Luke blinked a little in disbelief, then let a chuckle escape from his lips. "Another partner? And here I thought both of you loved our study sessions!" 

Zoe flushed furiously, while Tanya cast her eyes to the floor. "Don't flatter yourself, we are just being pragmatic."