Chapter 118: Divine Soul

Panting with exertion, Luke allowed his wolfen form to shrink slightly, the dark energy receding enough for him to move more freely. "Finally," he muttered. "That was…beyond insane."

Tanya approached the Totem Serpent's side, running her hand along a scale as large as a house door. Her face was alight with relief. "We've survived," she whispered, half to herself.

Turning, Luke examined the battered battlefield. Demons that had rushed in from Avalon Lake for the snail's lure were scattering, the forced frenzy no longer driving them.

The Fort Snail itself had collapsed onto part of the ruined city on its shell, letting out a single pitiful groan.

With its energies drained and no guidance from Apollo, it seemed poised to die as well.

Yet, at that very moment, Hazel's entire form sagged. A faint gasp escaped her lips. "Luke… I'm… I'm going to pass out," she managed, voice faint.