59: The Boy Who Lived

"Shut your mouth, Dursley, you stupid Muggle," Hagrid muttered as he stretched out a hand large enough to seat Nolan comfortably on it, reaching for the fat man's rifle.

Nolan, however, spoke coldly and quietly, his voice laced with menace. "Don't you dare point a Muggle weapon at me. Bombarda!"

A thunderous bang echoed through the small cabin as white light erupted from Nolan's wand. The rifle exploded spectacularly, fragments of iron scattering through the room like deadly shrapnel. The fat man howled in pain, his hands dripping with blood as the gunpowder burns scorched his skin. Splinters of red-hot metal had torn into his flesh, embedding themselves deep in his hands.

The woman and her son screamed in terror, dragging the injured man into a corner of the room, where they huddled together, trembling.

Nolan tapped his silver-toed boots against the wooden floor to knock off the mud. His face cold and emotionless, he began striding toward the cowering Muggle family.

"Whoa, Draugr, whoa!" Hagrid intercepted him hastily, his massive hand gripping Nolan's shoulder. "They're just clueless Muggles, see? You shouldn't be usin' magic on 'em. The Ministry'll think you're a Dark wizard for sure, and Dumbledore wouldn't like it neither."

"But he pointed a gun at me!" Nolan broke free from Hagrid's grasp with a low growl, his voice sharp and defiant. "No one points a weapon at me. Do you even know who I am? Even Cornelius Fudge wouldn't dare try something so idiotic!"

Hagrid blinked at him, looking more confused than ever. In truth, the towering half-giant didn't quite understand who Nolan Draugr really was. To Hagrid, he was just a remarkably talented first-year who had caused quite a stir at Hogwarts last term.

Harry Potter was stunned.

For as long as he could remember, he had dreamed of some extraordinary twist of fate breaking the monotony of his miserable life. Yet now, as that moment finally arrived, he could scarcely believe it.

Today, July 31st, was Harry's birthday. He had never expected a cake or presents from the Dursleys—they had made their disdain for him clear from the start. So, as he lay on the dusty wooden floor that served as his bed, he had drawn a small cake in the dust with his finger, silently wishing himself a happy birthday.

No friends, no gifts, no candles, no real cake. It was the sort of birthday only Harry Potter could endure.

But fate had a dark sense of humor. On this stormy night, an enormous, gruff giant and a coldly handsome boy had entered his life, turning it upside down.

Now, as Hagrid failed to restrain Nolan, the young vampire turned his attention to the Dursleys, his wand at the ready.

Harry watched in astonishment as Nolan transformed Dudley into an actual pig, Uncle Vernon into a plump, frilly-dressed woman, and Aunt Petunia into a horse-faced man.

"They'll be fine," Hagrid murmured, though even he seemed unsure. Transfiguration wasn't his strong suit—it was a subject for clever witches and wizards, not half-giants with a penchant for blowing things up. Still, he added softly, "I think."

Harry hesitated, his emotions torn. Part of him wanted to cheer for the Dursleys' humiliation, yet he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that things were spiraling out of control. Tentatively, he turned to Hagrid and asked, "Who is he?"

"Oh, that's Draugr. Nolan Von Draugr," Hagrid replied, his tone carrying a hint of pride. "You'll get to know him. He was the best student Hogwarts had last year." Hagrid's massive hand came down to pat Harry's head, leaving the boy feeling like he'd been driven into the floorboards.

"And who are you?"

"Ah, right, introductions! I'm Rubeus Hagrid—Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. These days, I'm also the gamekeeper. You know how those Gryffindor lads are—always thinkin' sneakin' into the Forbidden Forest makes 'em heroes. The other three Houses? Much less trouble."

Harry looked thoroughly puzzled. "Sorry, Gryffindor... what?"

Hagrid blinked and scratched his beard, then had a moment of realization. "Oh, right, you wouldn't know about the Houses yet. See, Hogwarts has four Houses—"

"What's Hogwarts?" Harry interrupted, his confusion deepening.

"Er..." Hagrid froze, caught completely off guard. His beetle-black eyes darted to Harry's innocent, bewildered face. Then his expression shifted from surprise to simmering rage. "DURSLEY!" he bellowed, his voice shaking the very walls of the room.

Vernon Dursley—now resembling a pudgy pangolin with the face of a llama—shrieked in terror at the sound of Hagrid's voice. Using his elongated mouth, he clamped onto his wife, who was wailing uncontrollably, and fled further into the house.

"That idiot!" Hagrid roared, shaking his fist after Vernon. "Didn't he tell you anything? About who you are, about the world you live in?" His voice was so loud and fierce that it left Harry trembling.

Meanwhile, Nolan paused his magical onslaught, finishing his work by transforming Dudley into a grotesquely plump Winnie-the-Pooh. The terrified boy flailed his stumpy limbs, frantically trying to figure out how to wield a knife and fork without fingers. The horrifying thought crossed his mind that he might be doomed to live on honey for the rest of his life, just like the cartoon bear.

With an exasperated sigh, Nolan gave the overgrown Pooh a firm kick, sending him tumbling across the room. The young vampire then cast a cold glance at Harry before arrogantly planting himself on the sofa. His expression betrayed the irritation he felt toward Dumbledore, whose latest request for assistance seemed, in Nolan's opinion, grossly unfair.

Harry, still trembling slightly, looked between Hagrid and Nolan, unsure who to turn to for answers. Judging Hagrid to be the less intimidating of the two, he cautiously asked, "World? What world? I just live in this one…"

"Oh, Merlin help me," Hagrid muttered, throwing his hands in the air in despair. "I never thought I'd see the day when I'd have to explain to the great Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, that he's a wizard!" His voice softened slightly as he began rambling, trying to impress upon Harry how famous and extraordinary he was in the wizarding world.

Nolan, lounging on the sofa, listened silently, his icy gaze flickering between Hagrid and Harry. He frowned but said nothing. To him, this entire narrative about Harry's greatness was misleading. In Nolan's eyes, Harry Potter's actual abilities couldn't possibly live up to the legendary reputation that preceded him. As far as Nolan was concerned, Harry's fame would only bring him misery at Hogwarts. But then again, what did it matter to Nolan if Harry Potter thrived or suffered?

"Oh, right! Almost forgot!" Hagrid exclaimed suddenly, slapping his massive forehead so hard that several fat fleas leapt from his hair. Nolan grimaced at the sight, shifting slightly away from the half-giant in disgust. Oblivious to Nolan's reaction, Hagrid continued with a booming cheer, "Harry, today's your birthday! And I got you a cake!"

From his enormous coat, Hagrid produced a squashed chocolate cake. Though it had been badly flattened, the sweet aroma wafting from it was enough to make Harry's mouth water.

Eyes wide with wonder, Harry took the cake and stared at it as if it were a treasure. For the first time in his life, he was celebrating a birthday with a cake made just for him.

Nolan watched from the shadows, his expression unreadable as Harry hesitantly took his first bite of the misshapen cake. When Hagrid turned to offer him a piece, Nolan declined coolly, retreating further into the room with Miss Nancy in his arms. From his pocket, he pulled out a small blood pack labeled "Type O" and bit into it with sharp fangs, taking a long, slow sip.


The quiet sound was oddly unsettling, yet Nolan appeared completely at ease as he consumed the blood. Hagrid, engrossed in watching Harry enjoy his cake, didn't seem to notice.

For Harry, this peculiar night—filled with transformations, revelations, and his first real taste of kindness—was only the beginning.


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