77: Hermione Granger

Hermione wasn't doing well.

She wasn't sure if the problem lay with her or if Gryffindor simply wasn't the right place for her. Either way, since starting at Hogwarts, she'd felt out of place. None of the other students seemed to see her as one of their own.

Even when Hermione earned points for Gryffindor faster than anyone else, no one expressed gratitude. It left her feeling adrift, despite how proud she was of her efforts.

With no friends in the dormitory and no one to sit with in the common room, Hermione grew used to keeping to herself. She began spending more and more time in the library, where the quiet made her solitude less noticeable.

That was when she noticed someone else who seemed just as alone.

The girl spent even more time in the library than Hermione—sometimes accompanied by her boyfriend, though the two rarely spoke. The girl buried herself in books, endlessly studying, while her boyfriend sat idly by, twisting and turning a Muggle puzzle cube as if he were there solely to keep her company.

Eventually, Hermione learned her name—Eve Stock.

A curious Slytherin.

Hermione wanted to approach her.

She thought maybe, just maybe, two girls who felt equally isolated could find something in common.

And so, alongside her usual reading, Hermione began quietly observing Eve.

Eve Stock spent at least four days a week in the library. She pored over a variety of subjects—Transfiguration, Charms, Potions… even Astronomy, Divination, and Ancient Runes. She seemed to study everything. Eve kept a thick notebook filled with meticulous, handwritten notes, copying down entire pages from books, one word at a time. Sticky tabs protruded from the edges of her notebook, each color-coded and labeled—a clear testament to her dedication.

On the days she wasn't in the library, Hermione often wondered where she disappeared to. Was she spending time with that puzzle-loving boyfriend somewhere on campus?

The mystery unraveled one afternoon when Hermione went to see Professor McGonagall.

To her surprise, Eve Stock was already there, earnestly discussing Transfiguration with McGonagall, her notebook open on the desk.

"Oh, Miss Stock, you may not be the most naturally gifted student I've encountered, but you are certainly the most diligent," McGonagall remarked, conjuring a cat with a flick of her wand before smoothly transforming it back into a desk. "Biological Transfiguration isn't typically taught until sixth year. We introduce it to students only after they've passed their O.W.L.s, as it can be quite dangerous. But if you continue to show promise in this field, I wouldn't mind teaching you something more advanced."

Hermione's curiosity only deepened after witnessing that exchange.

So, the next day, when Eve reappeared in the library, Hermione didn't hesitate. She walked right up to her.

"Can I sit here?" Hermione asked, standing beside Eve's table.

Eve blinked, her silver eyes meeting Hermione's. After a brief pause, she gave a small nod.

"Suit yourself."

Her tone didn't change. She simply returned to her reading, as if Hermione Granger's presence didn't particularly matter.

Hermione thought Eve seemed rather cold. She couldn't tell if it was just Eve's nature or something she'd picked up over time.

Desperate to fill the silence, Hermione blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Is your boyfriend not with you today?"

"You mean Nolan? He's not my boyfriend," Eve said calmly. "Are you interested in Nolan too?"

"What?" Hermione was caught off guard. "No! Of course not! Why would I be?"

Eve's expression didn't shift. She remained as calm as ever. "You don't have to be so sensitive. I know a lot of girls are interested in Nolan. They try all sorts of ways to get close to me, hoping to find out the secret to why Nolan cares about me. It's amusing, isn't it?"

"And how do you respond to them?"

"I tell them to grab his sleeve, look pitiful, and cry." Eve's lips curved slightly at the memory of that crybaby from a year ago. "But no one believes me. Even though it's the truth."

Hermione grimaced. She didn't believe it either.

At Hogwarts, even the students who had no interest in Nolan had at least heard of him. It wasn't just because Nolan Von Draugr was strikingly good-looking for a second-year, but also because he was known for being… unique.

After carefully choosing her words, Hermione said, "I heard you're Muggle-born too."

"A Muggle-born Slytherin. Hilarious, isn't it?" Eve laughed at herself. "I've heard that plenty of times. Last year, a Slytherin alumnus stormed into Hogwarts demanding my expulsion…"

"I didn't mean to mock you…" Hermione pulled her robes tighter around herself, feeling slightly guilty. "I just thought… maybe we're in similar situations…"

"A Slytherin who doesn't act like a Slytherin and… a Gryffindor who doesn't fit in with Gryffindor?" Eve considered this, then offered quietly, "Honestly, you're overthinking it. Sometimes the harder you try to excel, the more things fall apart. Have you heard of Murphy's Law, Hermione? If you're afraid something will happen, then it probably will. You're too concerned about being left out in Gryffindor, and that's exactly why it keeps happening."

"You know about Muggle laws?" Hermione blinked in surprise. The more she spoke to Eve, the more mysterious the girl seemed.

"Knowing more doesn't hurt. Life is always worse than you think," Eve replied matter-of-factly. Her silver eyes settled on Hermione with unsettling precision. "You've been watching me in the library. I've noticed you staring at me more than once."

Hermione stiffened, her cheeks heating. She hesitated. "I was just curious… about why you're always reading."

"Because if Hogwarts ever expels me, I'd still like to be a witch," Eve said plainly.

Hermione froze.

She hadn't expected that answer.

Compared to Eve's burdens, Hermione's troubles felt small and trivial.

"I don't mind whether I have friends or not," Eve continued with chilling detachment. "I already have one good friend. And I have Nolan. I know people need friends, but real friends are rare. Most people won't stand by you when things get tough. As for my fellow Slytherins… I have no expectations of them. None of them truly consider me one of their own."

Eve's voice was sharp as frost. "You and I aren't the same, Hermione Granger. Don't try to find validation in me. You belong to Gryffindor. I don't even belong to Slytherin."

Who was Eve Stock, really?

For the first time, Hermione felt she understood a little.

They weren't alike after all.

One girl read because she loved to learn.

The other read because she had no choice.