Hua Ling's smug expression faltered.
For a split second, just a mere fraction of a moment, hesitation flickered in her eyes.
Has she truly suffered?
Hua Ling wasn't sure, but a small part of her imagined it.
A dark glint passed through her gaze, and she took a step closer.
Then another.
And another.
Her smile was sweet, but her words were razor-sharp knives.
"Were you waterboarded?" she asked, her voice silky smooth.
Hua Jing stiffened.
"Were your hands tied behind your back?"
Hua Jing's fingers curled into her sleeves.
"Were your legs hit with a metal pipe?"
Xia Lin let out a sharp breath, looking at Hua Jing with concern.
"Was your hair pulled so much that your scalp bled?"
Hua Ling took another step closer, her breath almost brushing Hua Jing's cheek.
"I guess not."
She laughed softly.