"What do you want us to do?" Eiko asked now that they were alone on the combat ground. Her figure lacked an ounce of fatigue despite all we had done. The gap was too great; had she been in the Hill-Stage, maybe I would have caused her to sweat... maybe. But with her new strength, nothing I had could make her flinch.
"You've been praised for your elemental craft; I'd love to test that... now that we stand in the same realm," Leon explained, nodding while his stroked his chin.
"That's timely; I learned a new technique and haven't been able to test it out in a real fight," Eiko exclaimed, punching her palm.
Leon merely raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "In this spar of ours anything goes, so long as either of us is clearly subdued."
"Fair enough, let's do it."
The two knights took positions on both sides of the field. Confidence oozed out of their figures, and when Berrion counted down for the two of them, nothing happened immediately after.