Chapter 7-Homecoming!

Chapter 7


The Journey back to Winterfell was liberating and much lighter, at least for the horses carrying his luggage as he found himself two trunks and a whole lot of gold lighter, around more than hundred thousand golden stags lighter, after having managed to convince the Lord Manderly to go along with his little plot.

Cregan's ability to act had been much limited when he had been sent to the capital. He had always been much cautious of the political games of the capital, and his caution was proven well placed given how dangerous the place was.

Cersei Lannister, while sometimes an angry and carless fool was not as idiotic as people perceived her to be, and controlled all of the court despite being shunned by her Lord husband rather publically. Varys, and Petyr Baleish each played their own games with their webs and influence far stronger and far sturdier than a child.

Any suspicion ever raised by him about the draining coffers, and the vanishing loans was always handily dismissed by the old Hand who trusted the Lord of the Fingers rather implicitly, because of his wife.

And the less said of Varys, and his intentions the better. This was why within a few moons of staying in the capital Cregan had understood that what little amount of power and safety he enjoyed was because of the King's indulgence, and given Robert Baratheon's behaviour and general drunkenness, that would not last.

It loathed him to hide and scurry, and yet it was all he could do while observing and understanding the little games of the capital. He had made some friends along the way, Loras Tyrell was one, amicable and haughty the third son of Highlords of Reach tended to pity him for his limp, and had often sparred with him.

Then there was Thoros of Myr, his only true confidante who knew the most of his activities. But the priest's loyalty was ensured through a series of prophetic ploys, and an ample amount of wine and gold—a lot of gold.

The last of them was perhaps the most important of them all, a friendship that had blossomed because of a shared interest in dragons and magics of old, and a general dislike of the jumped up piece of shit that was Prince Joffery Lannister. Tyrion Lannister was one of the most adventurous and sharp minds of the continent, filled with ideas and prowess that had been wholly wasted by his lord father.

And though they shared a rather endearing friendship, Cregan was cautious of the man for despite being his friend he was a Lannister, and the son of Tywin Lannister and that meant something. Even though he seemed rather despondent by his hurried departure from the capital, for now he had lost his partner for the journey to the North.

And as he rode through the forests, and the Wolf's Road, Cregan could breathe easily for the first time, with little fear of a tongue-less child, or a servant keeping an eye on his every move.

"So how have you been Jory?" he turned towards the captain riding beside him, the broad faced boy had grown up beside him, often playing with him, Robb and Jon in their youth.

"You remember me, my lord," he surprised by that, as he frowned.

"Of course, I do. You used to chase us around the castle for our lessons when we were young," Cregan replied, and the captain seemed surprised by that.

"But I thought," and at those words his eyes reached for his injured leg as Cregan shook his head.

"The fall, took from me my ability to run, not my memory. At least I don't think so," he joked as the young captain laughed.

"I am fine, my lord. Got promoted to a captain a few moons ago," he said, and Cregan nodded.

"That is good. So, how goes the North, how fair Robb and Jon?" he asked, for he did have to utilise all this time.

"The young lord fairs well. He is quite handy with a spear, your half brother, he prefers the blade to a spear, but they are very close," Jory spoke, and he must have seen something on his face as he quickly added.

"They miss you a lot, so do your sisters," he added and Cregan smiled as he recalled the hundreds of letters he had received.

"I know," he agreed.

"Can you wield a sword?" he asked and Cregan shrugged.

"Somewhat, though not for much longer," he replied not giving away everything, as they made small talk. He was introduced the other guards, most of them newer faces he did not recognise as he learnt of happenings of the North.

How a year ago Lord Bolton's heir was murdered and as he was told of his bastard, his fists balled up in rage, for only he knew of the depravity and destruction that little fiend was capable of.

Ramsay Snow, he was one of the people he loathed the most given what he knew of him, and though he may not have commited the heinous crimes Cregan had dreamt of against his family, he was not willing to risk it. Not when it came to his twin—Sansa.

Though, if Thoros managed to pull through on his end, that will not be a problem for him any longer for he would do what none of his family could.

Then he was told of the killed deserter, and he realised that things were underway as they were supposed to be, before suddenly Jory's face lit up.

"And you know what we found in the woods afterwards," he asked and Cregan smiled as he answered.

"Direwolfs," he replied and saw the man's eyes widen as he spoiled his surprise.

"How did you know. This just happened weeks ago," and Cregan shrugged as the young man captain continued.

"There were seven of them," and he frowned at that.

"One for each Stark children. Many are calling it an omen that House Stark's is set to achieve much glory," he joked as Cregan's heart thumped in his chest and as they rode further and further into the North he found his sleep disturbed by crows, until on the final night he saw it.

A three eyed raven eyeing, as he stood infront of a heart tree.

"Not interfere! Not interfere!"

"I am afraid I cannot do that!"

"Not interfere! Not interfere!"



Winterfell was rarely as filled with excitement as it was today, and nearly half the castle was somehow gathered in the yard as they watched riders rushing towards the yard, as the rest of brothers and sisters jumped in excitement.

She of course, was much better than them and would not debase herself like Arya, though it was not as if she was any less excited, for her brother's return.

Sansa loved all her brothers and sisters, even Arya with her irresponsible and childish behavior. But Cregan was special, he was her twin. And though they did not loom alike, she had been the closest to him before father had sent him away to the capital.

They had not seen each other for years, and she often wondered what he looked like now, and that question would vanish soon enough, as Arya shouted in excitement, with Bran.

"He is here. He is finally here," she shouted, and neither mother nor father admonished her for shouting as two horses rode into the yard, slowing down as they reached the centre, and there he was.

Cregan was riding one of them, Jory the other one. Both of them laughing as Cregan stopped his horse, and jumped down the horse. She did not miss the little grimace on his face, as Arya broke off along with Bran and rushed towards Cregan much to their mother consternation.

"Arya," she called after her weakly as father smiled warmly.

"Cregan!" "Brother!" both Arya and Bran rushed after their brother, and jumped towards him.

"Omph!" he grunted slightly as he wrapped his arms around them and hugged them all, and it was a bit surreal hugging her twin like that as she felt her eyes water up.

"Who are these strangers who have gotten so big and why are they higging me!" he japed as he looked up at her, and mother, as Arya and Bran made faces.

"I thought I was here meet my younger brother, and sisters," he teased as they all joined in the chuckling as Arya began to hit him with her fists.

"Don't be an idiot. I am Arya," her sister punched him as Cregan smiled, and the difference in them was visible. Both Robb and her had taken after their mother's family, with reddish hair and blue eyes.

Cregan on the other hand was born with the Stark features, brown curly hair and grey eyes. He resembled Jon in that way, who hung back as they all surrounded him.

"You are lying, you monster. You cannot be my little sister, she cannot be so tall," he feigned surprise as Arya laughed and hit him as mother wiped a silent tear from her eyes.

"How have you been Cregan?" she asked as she hugged him, and she saw Cregan's face soften as he wrapped his arms around their mother. And she could scarcely imagine what it must have been like for him to be away from family for all this time, and though she was a bit jealous that he had gotten to spend time at the capital, with the Prince and the Princess.

She could scarcely fathom, being away from the family for years. Perhaps not Arya, but Robb, Brandon and even Jon.

It must have been tough.

"I am good," Cregan spoke as he separated, and finally turned to their father who raised a brow, as he gave Cregan a nod.

"I hope the journey back home was pleasant," their father asked and Cregan nodded.

"It was as pleasant as one could hope," and then before they could say anything more.

"Brother!" Robb jumped in from behind having held himself back for long enough, as Cregan nearly stumbled, as they both laughed.

And so, on and on it went, as Cregan joked and japed there with them all as the riders rode in with his luggage. She joined him as mother took him to the Hall, and the reunion continued.

A feast had been prepared in his honor, and so they dined as all of them asked him of his stay at the capital and the Red Keep.

She asked him about the prince, of the dashing prince Joffery, and his answer was much different from his letters even though he had always strode around the topic even in the letters for some reason.

"The Prince is more a Lannister than a Baratheon," and her father had stopped at those words for a second.

"What do you mean, he is only half Lannister?" she asked as she saw Cregan's eyes narrow.

"He has the Lannister pride, looks, and even their cruel...." but still that was not what she wanted to ask.

"Don't play ridd..."

"We will talk about this later," her father intervened for some reason, as the topics changed and Arya began to ask him about the Princess, which made Robb and Theon tease him as he rolled his eyes.

It was a festive affair, especially with all the gifts he brought them, swords and armor for Robb, Bran, and even Jon. Dresses and dolls for herself and even Arya, who frowned and seemed dejected until she saw Cregan give her a wink, for some reason, as he whispered something in her ear.

"How did you buy all this?" father found himself asking.

"I had some gold to spare, the King is anything if stringent. I had an allowance equal to the Prince himself and was mindful with it," he answered, and that was indeed generous of the King.

But still, it must have cost him quite some gold to buy all that.

"Join me in my solar," father said at the end of feast.

"Ned, let the boy rest. He has been riding for days," mother called out but it was Cregan who intervened.

"No, it is fine, mother," he spoke softly as he looked at father.

"I will be there," and as he tried to stand up, she saw him grimace, before Robb moved in to stop him from stumbling.

"Are you fine?" she asked worriedly, as he nodded, and in all that they had forgotten about his pain. About his leg, as he reached for a flask in his belt.

"Yes, it's just the riding. It's made my leg stiff; I will be fine," he spoke with a smile, even though she could tell he was in pain as he took a sip from the flask.

"What is that?" mother asked.

"Watered down milk of poppy," and she saw mother's eyes widen at that.

"I don't take it often, but only when the pain gets too much, and even then in measured amounts," he spoke quickly as mother's lips thinned before she nodded, as Cregan turned towards Robb.

"I think I left my cane on my horse, could you perhaps have someone get it for me..."

"I will go," Jon spoke from the side as Cregan nodded.

"Thank you, Jon.." and her half brother rushed out of the room as Robb helped Cregan back to his seat, as they all looked on in worry and pity. And so, Jon returned red faced and huffing with a cane in hand, as he passed it on to Robb.

"Here," and Cregan took it as he made to stand once more this time with his hand on the cane, as he walked out of the Hall as she walked beside him, with whispers behind him.

Whispers of the accursed name the world had set for his brother.

The Crippled Wolf.


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