Chapter 12-For Us!

Chapter 12


The Royal Party's arrival had only increased the bustle of the castle, and despite its massive size, Winterfell was showing its limits as the castle hosted the Royal retinue and put to use all its mighty towers and expanded Halls.

As their father departed with the King, the Royal House was to be shown to their specially prepared abodes. Their mother led the Queen, Robb the Prince, Sansa the young Princess and so forth, while he was tied down with the Queen's brother, Lord Tyrion Lannister.

"These halls are warmer than one would think given the sheer cold outside," the shorter man commented as Cregan led him through the Halls to his chambers, and in a way, he was surprised at seeing the man here, especially given that Cregan knew the shorter man would much prefer other company.

"I told you off the heated pools, didn't I? The water from them percolates through the walls and heats up the castle. It is a thing of marvel," and indeed it was, and one of a kind. It was something that still baffled him: the architecture of these lands and its discrepancies.

"Ahh, yes, the pools," he added with a small smile.

"I must say I am surprised that you are still here," Cregan questioned as they reached the man's assigned chambers.

"I would have thought you would have left for the Town the first chance you got," to sample the merchandise, of course. But that was implied.

"Well, I couldn't disrespect our guests," he teased before he winked at him.

"Not so quickly, at least. Moreover, I wished to meet you, and hoped that you would show me to the vaunted library of this ancient castle," and Cregan chuckled, this was how they had bonded.

"Of course, Lord Tyrion," he said, and he had specifically had his room arranged to be the closest one to the library, for he knew of the man's preference.

"I knew that and had my mother move your accommodation to the room nearest to the library," he told the man as the Lannister heir raised a brow.

"You know me so well. Alas, you could not have made your father arrange a brothel nearer to the castle as well," and they both chuckled as Cregan led him to Winterfell's library.

It was nothing as large or grand as the Royal Library, but it had a respectable collection. There were several rare books and writings here, mostly of Northern origin, half of them illegible even to him, given the nature of their specific tongue.

Cregan was still in the process of learning the Old Tongue, hoping to know as much as he could about their House's history.

"This is it," he said and saw pure joy in those mismatched eyes as Tyrion Lannister followed him into the small place with his child-like legs, watching all the old thick tomes with fascination and reverence.

"Ahh, one can smell the history," he said as the acolytes finally realized their presence. Cregan was a regular of the place, but they all seemed surprised upon seeing the Lannister lord there.

"Lord Tyrion is our guest. He is fond of literature and will frequent the library quite a bit while he is here," he informed them as they all greeted the smaller man with a bit of hesitancy.

Then, he began to move through the various columns and rows, watching and examining the various texts as Cregan followed after him.

"Anything you would recommend," he asked, and Cregan thought of it before he picked up a rather old leather-bound book, one of the first he had read himself.

"This one is as good a place to start as any," he said, passing it to a smaller man, and the book was about a quarter of his height.

"It's the records from the last war with the Red Kings, it is pretty interesting, and gruesome," and the man made a face.

"Ahh, the Red Kings. The Boltons, the villains of the North," he whispered as he gave him a small nod.

"We had a few of our own," he added and Cregan knew just who he was talking of.

"The Reynes," and the man nodded.

"Indeed, and they thought they could swallow up our House as well, but they learned their lesson; all of them did. And now all that remains of them is but a single song," and that was the ruthlessness of Tywin Lannister.

It was, in many ways, the ruthlessness needed to win in this world. And he had to steel himself for it, for a similar thing.

Eddard Stark must have seen it as well. He must have. Cregan had sown the seed, telling him of Jon Arryn's suspicion, and now it was upto him to speak of it to the King.

It would cause a war. A slaughter. But one that was necessary for his House. For his family. For humanity.

And as he thought of that, he saw faces. Faces of little Tommen, the innocent Myrcella, and even the lord who stood opposite him, who called him a friend.

They had been haunting his sleep for many months now. All their lifeless faces, blaming him, condemning him as a crow encircled his head.

"Now that you have helped me select a book, I was hoping you could help me with another recommendation," the Lannister man began as a mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"Perhaps you could recommend me a lady as well, the one I should ask for when I need someone to warm my bed tonight, perhaps one partial to cripples?" he asked with a wink as Cregan chuckled.

"I am afraid you will have to ask someone else. You know I try not to frequent such places," and the man clicked his tongue.

"Not even here, in this cold weather," he gasped animatedly. You truly a strange one, Stark," and Cregan shrugged.

"Well, I may not have frequented the places. But I am sure you will be just fine without my recommendation," and with that, he began walking out of the library before remembering something.

"I do hope that you remember the feast in the evening..." and the man rolled his eyes.

"I do..."

"I will see you there," Cregan said.

"Ahh, indeed. But I am not the only one you will be seeing there..."



As the Royal House settled into her home, Catelyn found herself busied in the preparation for the Feast in the evening, as she commanded cooks, maids, and seamstresses and tried to rein in her own children not to embarrass her or their House infront of the Royal family.

Thankfully, Cregan's little bout of rebellion was just that, a bout, and the boy was still able to help her rein in Bran and Arya as she saw to the preparations to the conclusion. It was to be a Great Feast, one where all the Lords from the North would be present and so it was necessary that everything was perfect.

And she was busy with her tasks when Ned emerged, stern and nervous as he asked her to come to his solar, much to her surprise. A part of her knew that such a day would come ever since she heard of Jon Arryn's death and the King's eventual journey to the North.

They both knew the purpose of his visit, as did the rest of the North and the castle, even though none dared say it.

"Robert has asked me to be his Hand," he said, and she closed her eyes, knowing that such a day would come.

"And..." she asked, seeing his lips thin as those grey eyes dulled. And she knew the answer without him even mouthing it. He was a Stark, and they were ever dutiful.

"I tried, but he would not be denied..." he mouthed softly, and the sadness of losing him to the capital was unimaginable. Yet he was not at ease.

No, she saw it in his face. The nervousness, it was still there.

"What more?" she asked, half in fear, half in trepidation as he looked into her eyes.

"And a match," and her eyes widened at those words. A Royal match was something she dared not dream of. It was an honor.

"One between Cregan and the Princess," which is truly surprising and a bit disappointing, given that she would have been better for their House if it were to be between Sansa and Joffrey, the heir.

"He is a second son," she did not look down on her children, but it was not a favorable match for the Princess. Cregan was but a second son and his own ailment made it so that he would never be a dashing knight or so forth.

"I know, but Robert seems to believe that the boy has what it takes to be a Hand. He hopes that he can entice me to take his offer this way, in hopes that in a decade or so Cregan could inherit the position from me and become a Hand," and her eyes widened at that.

"That is surprisingly thoughtful," it would ensure her son a better future, but it would also mean that he would be leaving for the capital again.

And despite everything, it was joyous news. Joining blood with the Royal House and becoming kin with the King were reasons to celebrate, especially when the match was as favorable and good as this one.

And yet she could see no joy on Ned's face. No, all she could spot was worry and fear.

"Have you given an answer?" she asked, and he shook his head, much to her surprise.

"Not yet. I asked Robert to let me talk to you and Cregan first," and she could understand, but Cregan.

"I know Cregan has a quick mind. I experienced it first hand, just yesterday," she added with a sharp look reminding him of their little argument.

"But he is still a boy, and as his parents, it is up to us to ensure his best future. And I doubt there would be a better match for him than this," she counseled, telling Ned of her own opinion.

And for some reason, he had been rather troubled ever since Cregan's arrival. Or, more accurately, ever since he had met the boy in his solar, she had not seen him as such since he had come back from the Rebellion all those years ago.

Just what had they talked about? There had been no shouting, and neither Cregan nor Ned had spoken of it, but still, she could sense that something was wrong with both of them.

And yet neither spoke of it.

"Why are both of you so troubled?" she asked herself. She saw his lips thin as she slowly reached for his hand and could feel the chill of it.

"And don't deny it," she rushed as she saw him shaking her head.

"I have noticed it for months and have chosen to stay silent about it, hoping that it would pass or you would speak of it when you could. But enough time has passed," she began a bit sternly. After all, she was the boy's mother and his Lady wife.

It was not their right to keep something a secret.

"I will know of your little secret, and I will know it now," she finished and saw him halt at those words as she stared into his eyes until he shook his head, much to her surprise.

"It's nothing serious," he lied. She could tell, but she was more surprised that what was it that he had to lie to her.

"We will discuss this later, but have Cregan sent to my solar. I wish to talk to the boy before the feast begins," he said as he moved past her, as Catelyn nodded as she walked out of the room and called a servant.

"Tell Cregan that his father wishes to see him at once," she ordered as the servant bowed and ran away. She busied herself once more, both frustrated and a bit angry at her husband for his lie.


And as the King busied himself in mourning his late love, the Queen found herself afraid in her room as she spoke to her only confidante.

"You saw it. Tell me you saw it as well how Stark looked at them, our children," she whispered in rage and frustration.

"And yet both of us still stand here, alive and well," the Kingslayer denied her words as he tried to make her see sense.

"It was his first time seeing the Royal children. What if his gaze lingered a second or two longer? It proves nothing," he said, trying to ease her worries as he closed the distance between them. And yet Cersei was not listening as she pushed away his approaching arms and screamed in his face.

"I am not mistaken. I am sure of what I saw. I am telling you, Jamie. He knows! THEY BOTH KNOW!" she screamed at her brother, who sighed as he shook his head.

"Then what will you have me do?" he asked her as she rounded off on him, showing him her back.

"Tell me what you would have me do?" he asked again, a bit forcefully as silence hung in the air at his question, before the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms turned around and looked into eyes so similar to her own as she answered.

"Kill them. Kill them both," she answered, as now she closed the distance between them and saw her brother's eyes widen at her words.

"That is the only way," she pleaded as she held his face in her hands and continued.

"You must do it without anyone suspecting us. For me, for our children...."

"...for us."


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