A Wandering Soul - Rider 2.19

A ragged cheer echoed across the front line once I finally made my way back to the Varden's lines.

Getting off the plateau with my mana levels critically low had been a bit dicey, and wandering through the aftermath of the battle had me constantly looking at the dead and dying – I had to in order to not trip over them or step on a sword or something – so it was nice to come back to something positive and know I was appreciated. Even if it was more because I was more a symbol to these soldiers rather than that they were happy to see me unharmed specifically.

That happy feeling was swiftly kicked aside when one of Leona's guild members rushed up to me, basically dumped command of the nearby triage center on me, and then ran off to assist the wounded before I could say more than a greeting.

If I hadn't just spent an entire day fighting, been dragged off to fight an enemy Dragon Rider, and then been forced to walk all the way back to friendly territory I wouldn't have minded too much since I was somehow the top medical expert around despite not really knowing more than some modern basics, but at the moment I had done all those things. I wanted to take a break, dammit!

But, it was kinda hard to tell the guy missing a hand to look for someone else because I needed a nap.

So instead I forced my fatigue aside as best I could and started categorizing everyone that entered the triage station. Even if I was going to keep working, I realized I had neither the energy or focus to do the actual medical work right now and someone had to keep the other healers from focusing on every little scratch.

I mean, I got it. They wanted to make sure everyone got healing. Unfortunately, our resources were limited and even supported by my mystic codes we couldn't focus on every person that came to us.

Thankfully the bastardized tagging system I introduced had done a great job of stretching those resources as far as possible. Green tags were for anyone that could move on their own or would be fine without a healer stepping in. They would have to move on to the healing station a bit further back for assistance. Yellow was for anyone that needed at least some intervention from the healers before they could be moved which included the guy with the missing hand. The most we could do for him was slap a tourniquet on his arm, stop the bleeding, and send him on his way. Maybe one of the healers further back would be able to reattach his hand if he was lucky. And last were the Red tags. Those were the ones that absolutely needed help or they would die and/or couldn't be easily moved. Those were the ones the forward triage stations would focus on, either fixing the wounded when possible or stabilizing them for a trip back to a more established field hospital.

Technically there was another tag – Black – for the ones too far gone to help but we didn't have any made. The last thing we wanted was to demoralize the healers we had by running out of black tags so the dead were simply moved to another area where they would be given their respective funeral rites later.

The one silver lining of the battle was there were much fewer injuries the Healer's Guild couldn't deal with on their own or needed me for specifically.

The Urgals fighting on our side this time meant there were much fewer shattered bones and bludgeoning injuries and the higher quality weapons meant fewer arrow shafts splintering inside of people and cleaner cuts. All things the healing codes could fix.

So while the guild healers did that, I stayed back managing the new arrivals and occasionally stepping in for some more difficult cases.


In what was starting to become a worrying habit, I quickly lost track of how much time I spent absorbed in medical work. In fact I barely noticed when a lower ranking member of the Du Vrangr Gata pushed through the people surrounding me and practically sagged in relief.

"Lady Lightbringer, thank the gods you're safe. When we couldn't contact you we feared the worst…"

I blinked slowly at the man while my exhausted brain struggled to process what he said.

The Varden's magicians couldn't contact me? Then why didn't they just have Arya send me a message telepath– oh, my mental defenses were still fully up. Yeah that made sense. Without a clear idea of where to find me even Arya would have a hard time locating me, let alone sending me a message.

Probably going to get yelled at for that later.

"Well you found me. I assume I'm needed somewhere?"

"Yes, my Lady. Lady Nasuada requested anyone who managed to contact you to direct you to the command tent. Oh, but one more thing. Have you seen Shadeslayer or his dragon around anywhere?" The man rattled off.

"Can't say that I have. But some of the soldiers have mentioned seeing him wandering the battlefield healing the wounded." I mentioned, cleaning my hands and letting a passing assistant know I would be leaving shortly. "I'd look for them there if you need them."

He thanked me and rushed off while I headed off towards the command tent.

Hopefully whatever Nasuada needed wouldn't take long.


I was mildly amused to see that either someone had found Eragon or the Rider had decided to make his way to the command tent before me.

That by itself wouldn't have meant much, but thanks to his partner I found the entrance blocked by about five tons of blue dragon butt.

"Come on, you oversized lizard. Budge over and let me through." I grunted as I sidled past a foreleg. Saphira grunted back but did actually shift her bulk enough for me to slip inside where I came face to face with Nasuada, Arya, Eragon, and a man I didn't recognize that was staring at me like I was insane.

"Alexandria, good you made it." Nasuada greeted me with a nod. Neither she or Arya looked surprised to see me, so the messenger had probably told them I was on my way.

"Nasuada, Arya, Saphira, Eragon." I nodded to each of them then refocused on Nasuada. "You wanted to see me?"

"I did, we were just about to discuss the recent developments with the Empire having not one but two more Riders." She said, "But first, to complete the introductions. Eragon?"

"Ah, yes…Roran, this is Alexandria Cross, a magician of great power." Eragon explained to the other man. "And Alexandria, this is my cousin, Roran." He introduced me as well while Roran bowed to me.

"Enough dawdling and jump to the meat of the matter!" Nasuada exclaimed after I returned my own greeting. "Tell us about the Riders!"

"Very well," Eragon sighed. "As you know, after Galbatorix destroyed the Dragon Rider order he was only able to claim three dragon eggs for himself," he began explaining for Roran's sake, as the only one of us here that didn't know the story of the Fall. "The spells surrounding the eggs ensure that they can only hatch once their destined Rider is near so they sat unhatching for decades until a Varden raid led by Brom was able to capture one of them." He looked pointedly at Saphira.

"Of course Galbatorix did not just leave the eggs undefended. Morzan, the last surviving member of the Forsworn, a group of Riders that assisted Galbatorix in his war against the Riders, was there protecting them.

"I don't know much about what happened – Brom refused to tell me much – but after a fierce battle he slew Morzan and escaped. Galbatorix was furious and summoned Morzan's son, Murtagh to begin training as a potential replacement for his father. Murtagh eventually realized the extent of the king's madness and escaped, choosing to oppose him in secret. Eventually he saved me from an ambush and assisted me in bringing Arya to the Varden, even joining in battle later on. But he was ambushed in the tunnels of Farthen Dûr afterwards."

History lesson over Eragon went on to describe the battle with the first Rider and his dragon. "As soon as he spun his sword around, I realized we had dueled before, so I threw myself at him and tore off his helm." He eventually paused.

"It was Murtagh, wasn't it?" Nasuada asked quietly.


"If the Twins survived, it only made sense that Murtagh did as well." She sighed. "Did he tell you what really happened that day in Farthen Dûr?"

Eragon explained how the Twins betrayed the Varden, controlled the Urgals into faking their deaths, and kidnapped Murtagh.

Nasuada sighed at the end of it and turned to Roran. "It seems I am also personally in your debt for slaying the traitors who murdered my father."

I scowled at the revelation that the two of them were dead. I had been hoping to deal with them myself, but I suppose them being dealt with would just have to do.

"Murtagh said one more thing before he left but I would like to hear what happened with the other Rider first." Eragon said nervously which got him several considering eyebrow raises.

I had an idea of what he was talking about and he was right, talking about that now would just cause us to go off on a tangent.

"I guess I can tell you my observations." I said a little flippantly, trying to dispel the heavy atmosphere that settled inside the tent. "My opponent wasn't anyone we would have known about before becoming a Rider, but he's certainly a whiny little jackass. Self-entitled too, considering how everything needed to be about him. The 'good' news is that he is more along the lines of a Forsworn than a proper Rider." I frowned and leaned forward. "He described his dragon as nothing more than a mount. The poor thing seemed almost mindless too."

While most of the group reacted with shock, Saphira was the one that reacted the most, filling the tent with a loud reverberating snarl at the disregard Samuel had for the bond she shared with Eragon.

"He's also only a somewhat competent swordsman." I continued. "Decent enough, but I'd say less skilled than most of your veteran warriors. He offsets that with superhuman strength and speed, of course, but if it comes down to a straight fight me, Arya, or Eragon could defeat him without much issue."

"And the 'bad' news, Alexandria?" Arya asked dryly. She knew me too well.

"The bad news is that he is a very dangerous spellcaster." I said seriously. "Obscure methods of attack, indirect area effects, and enough power behind anything he casts to overwhelm any defenses he can't slip past. If it wasn't for the unique nature of my own defenses, the fight would have been much closer. I wouldn't recommend anyone else fight him on their own if possible."

"But you were able to drive him off?"

"I was actually able to beat him." I admitted which got everyone to perk up. "Might have even killed him if it wasn't for Murtagh interrupting. But I was nearly completely spent from all the fighting, so I just let them leave."

"A wise choice." Arya said. "If you were injured or disabled we would not have been able to come to your aid very quickly, if at all. Before you all arrived we were discussing how to even attempt trying to reach where Eragon was fighting. If Murtagh was forced to kill or worse, kidnap you…yes you made the correct choice."

I sighed. "I know. It's just…in hindsight, I feel like I should have at least tried to convince him to surrender or even just leave Samuel behind."

Arya shook her head. "Oaths in the Ancient Language are very serious matters and often unpredictable in how they react to someone trying to subvert them. Not even the most experienced masters I know would attempt something like that mid-battle and cut off from any allies."

"I guess…" It still bothered me a little. If I had access to Rule Breaker… "but there is one more thing I need to mention. Samuel was aware of exactly who Eragon and Saphira's teachers are." I said gravely.

Eragon's face was white along with Arya's. "How? I thought the enchantments around the forest prevented any kind of scrying?"

"I don't know. But you should inform Islanzadí." I told Arya.

Nasuada looked concerned and confused. "Why is this important? I understand the Elves' defenses being breached is cause for concern, but why Eragon's teachers specifically?"

"Can't say." I shrugged. "There's an oath involved."

The dark skinned woman was clearly not happy about that but let it go after Arya mentioned she would see if the oath could be released because of my information.

There was some more discussion on several topics but now that I wasn't concentrating on a specific task I found my focus drifting and my eyes closing without permission.

Surely it would be fine if I just rested…them…for…a…moment…


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