Struggle 2

Ray took a deep breath as he entered the grand room where his ailing grandmother lay on her bed, hooked up to various medical equipment. He had received an urgent summons from her, and despite his reservations, he knew he had to come.

As he approached the bed, his grandmother's eyes fluttered open, and she mustered a weak smile. "Ray, my dear boy, I'm so glad you came," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ray gently took her frail hand in his, his expression somber. "Grandmother, I came as soon as I received your message. How are you feeling?"

The old woman's brow furrowed, and she squeezed his hand weakly. "Not well, my child, not well at all. But I'm glad you're here. There's something I need to discuss with you."

His grandmother's gaze turned pensive, and she took a deep, labored breath. "It's about your cousin, Ray. Tom is brain dead, he had an accident and he is in a vegetative state"