Chpater 4

He looked into her eyes with charming eyes, taking pleasure in seducing the younger girl. In his opinion, teenage girls were so naive and intimidated by his behavior that he was able to charm each of them, having a great time in the process.

- Are you feisty?

The girl blinked her eyelids, not understanding why he said that.

- Hm?

- You have a turned-up nose, so you must be feisty," he declared with a roguish grin on his face.

Samantha opened her eyes wider as he leaned over her face and touched her cheek with his thumb.

- I took off your eyelash," he stated, moving away from her to prove that there was indeed a hair on his finger.

- Uhm, I understand. - Although it was hot outside all the time, the building was cooled down by air conditioning; however, this did not help the girl, who got freckles on her face. She became breathless, so she grabbed the collar of her shirt, moving it to cool her heated body.

Alex put his hand to his mouth to hide the smile that the sight of the embarrassed girl caused him. Her red cheeks looked funny, and when she tried to cool down, she looked quite charming.

- I don't understand why you brought me just here," she howled, wanting to leave the cabin. The robed man did not allow her to do so, blocking her passage with his hand. He placed it at the level of her head, with amused eyes looking at her confused face.

- The bathroom is the only place where I am not under the observation of other people. I can't allow myself to be noticed at the side of a girl no one knows," he declared.

His proximity led the usually bold and impetuous Samantha to act like a shy girl who experienced her first contact with a boy.

What was it about him that was so unusual that he was able to intimidate her to such a degree?

- I have to go now. Mark is waiting for me," she replied in a nervous voice. She bent down to pass under his arm, but this time he blocked her with his foot. - What's wrong with you? Have you watched too many movies?

The girl felt sweat appear on her face. She was so hot that she feared she would melt shortly.

She felt bad about it. Furthermore, she didn't like being too close to an attractive guy in such a state because she was well aware of how awful she looked at any given moment.

- I don't have time to watch videos, but I'd be happy to record one scene with you," he declared blithely.

All the time he looked boldly into her eyes, without feeling a single bit of shame. The girl's attention was caught by the chain around his neck.

- The hallmark of a playboy," she muttered, wrinkling her nose.

- So now that you know who I am, why don't we play the boyfriend game?

- What - she opened her eyes wider when Alex brought his face so close to her that he almost touched her lips with his lips - What are you doing?

- I'm counting down. 1...2...

She blinked her eyelids, wondering what he was doing. Did he want to kiss her? Is that what he meant?

- ...3 - he finished, and she closed her eyes, ready for what might happen shortly. - It only took three seconds for you to fall in love with me.

Upon hearing these words, she lifted her eyelid, uncertainly looking at his beaming face.

- What did you say?

- That within three seconds you lost your head for me. You were ready for me to kiss you.

Samantha pressed her lips together, feeling an incoming wave of anger. He had mocked her, and that was what she disliked most.

- So now I'm going to disfigure your face so you'll never seduce any girl with it again.

Moments later, Alex's shouting and insulting challenges rang out in the bathroom, and Samantha fell out of the cabin like a storm, massaging her sore hand.

- Did someone carve that face for you, or do you have so much filler mass on it?


There was an awkward silence in the room. They were both silent, unable to say anything. Mark was looking at a single point on the wall, nervously playing with the money in his hand that he had received from the model.

Naomi looked at him, acutely experiencing the disappointment of knowing him. Although this boy was an angel in her eyes, she felt disappointment caused by his rude behavior.

Although she had started it all herself, what hurt her most was that he didn't take her side, and additionally pointed out to her that he hated people like her.

This was not what she expected.

- I'm sorry," she mouthed with difficulty, as it was a word she didn't usually use. Especially when it came to people she didn't know at all. However, in front of her stood a boy who could move her icy heart.

He was special. She couldn't ignore this chance. She was unable to miss the opportunity to get to know him better.

The brunet fixed an intimidated gaze on her and scratched his head in obvious embarrassment, realizing that he had behaved rudely.

He was unable to explain what had gotten into him, but he was having increasingly frequent uncontrollable outbursts of anger.

Just why didn't it come just when he was being carried away at school?

- I'm the sorry one. I shouldn't," he replied uncertainly, feeling like burning from shame.

Naomi lifted her face and batted her eyelids, not expecting him to regret how he had behaved toward her either.

- Do you think we can forget about it?

- I think so, after all, we will never meet again," he declared, sending her a modest smile.

The blonde opened her mouth, feeling as if she had seen this scene before; that smile, the charming dimples appearing in his cheeks and the shy look with which he had particularly charmed her at that moment.

Did she get something incomprehensible into her head? Was she crazy about an unfamiliar boy?

The model swallowed her saliva harder as she watched Mark head for the door. He wanted to leave, so she ran up to him and grabbed his elbow, stopping him at her side.

- Wait. - The boy uncertainly looked over his shoulder and fixed her with a puzzled look. - Does this really have to be our last meeting? I feel despicable by my previous behavior, so I want to compensate you further.

- You don't have to," he replied, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible and never experience the company of this girl again.

- But I want to. I can see that you feel particularly uncomfortable around me. Let me change that.

- I'm sure you have many anti-fans, so you're used to it. - By the time he thought about what he had said, it was too late and he became stupid. - I put it badly.

- It's true there are people who hate me, but I don't know them. This is something else.

- And do you know me? - Naomi stuck her surprised eyes on him, not expecting such an answer from his mouth. The boy may have looked innocent, but he was able to talk back in a way that could shut the other person's mouth.

- No. Only that we have a problem because I want nothing more than to know more about you. - Her words were bold, but they did not impress Mark. This girl had lost respect in his eyes, so he was not going to continue his acquaintance with her.

- So you have an issue because I have no desire to make friends. - After these words, he walked away, leaving behind the closed door a disappointed girl, who could not believe that there was a man capable of refusing to get closer to her.

After all, every guy would like to be in his place!


Appalled by the younger girl's behavior, he quickly headed through the agency's hallway to find the teenage girl who had treated him in such a despicable manner. He could have put up with it, if it weren't for the fact that a bruise appeared on his flawless face.

How could he pose in front of the camera in this condition?

He clenched his fists when he saw her heading for the elevator. He passed people, covering the bruise with his hand. Furthermore, he sent them a friendly smile, but his face changed dramatically when he stopped the elevator door and stepped inside with an enraged expression.

Samantha looked worried.

- Now what do you say? How about compensation?

She opened her eyes wider, fearing that he would give her away.

- You deserved it! You should not have mocked me! - she defended herself, crossing her arms on her chest.

- Do you know how expensive my face is? - Clearly angered, he pressed the button that stopped the elevator between two floors.

Samantha was outraged by his behavior. She wanted to unlock it, but Alex covered the buttons with his body, sending her a mean smile.

- Are you crazy? Why did you do this?

- To talk to you and explain to you, kid, that such things are not done," he declared, pointing with his finger to the injured area near the mouth.

- If you don't let me out of here in a while, I'll hit you from the other side! - she screamed, and he put his arm around her neck and walked towards the camera. The girl was willed owing for him to let her go, and meanwhile he took the gum out of his mouth and stuck it over the eye that was watching them.

He let her go when he safely covered the buttons with his body.

- What are you doing! - she shouted a second time, and his attraction definitely diminished in her eyes.

- I don't like promiscuous crap," he announced, shrugging his shoulders.

- But at this very moment, you are acting like one. You know perfectly well that you deserve a fist bump, so let me out of here, or I'll turn your life into a nightmare," she threatened him.

- Oho, go ahead. I'm curious to know what you came up with.

Alex crossed his arms over his chest and looked at her face with an inquisitive eye.

- I will go to the press. I will denigrate you in every possible way.

- Boring," the gray-haired man commented, puffing out his lips. - My agency will stop everything before any news gets out into the world.

The teenager bit her lip, and Alex raised an eyebrow looking at her mouth.

- Don't do that," he demanded, to which the girl only snorted. - Then you are hideous. Only sexy people have the right to look attractive in this way.

- Like you? - she sneered.

- Like me," he confirmed boldly, which made her laugh. - And what are you laughing at? You'd better tell me what you're going to do with the bruise you left on my face.

Samantha rubbed her nose and sat down on the floor, lifting her face and looking at him from under her eyes.

- People often tell me that I act like a dog, so maybe when I lick this wound, it will heal?

- Not only do you behave, you look like one too. There are wrinkles on your face, even though you are underage. I'm shooting that you're related to a mopey, but you should be happy because you're a thoroughbred female, and men like thoroughbred females. - He winked at her, and she felt like slapping his face with the other hand.

- Racial bitches like to bite tasty bites, and that's what you look like.

- Are you starting to flirt with me? - He asked, purposely flexing his muscles under his tight boxers.

- I do it out of boredom. Nothing else comes to mind.

Although he would rather not admit it, this girl had something funny about her. Her character was crazy, and he liked that. She was different from the women he had met so far.

She interested him, aside from the situation in which he got his face from her, however, he intended to take advantage of that. A person with this kind of character was perfect to end something that had been bothering him for a long time.

- How do you want to repay the damage to my precious face? In this state, I can't pose in front of the camera, so there will be trouble. I could complain to you, and you would incur the huge cost of injuring the model's face, but I know you can't afford it, so I have another idea.

- Excuse me? - The girl's indignation was so loud that Alex smiled under his breath.

- I'm going to use you for something....


Mark looked around nervously, not knowing whether he should go home or wait for Samantha. He guessed that the girl was so satisfied with the presence of the handsome model that she had forgotten about the neighbor she had come with.

He intended to ignore her and return alone, but changed his mind when he spotted her leaving the building.

The moment she stood on the sidewalk, she started jumping and squealing like a happy child, drawing the attention of passersby. However, she didn't care, sometimes glancing at the phone she held in her hand.

- What about you? - Mark's facial expression was grim, and at that moment they both looked strange, stepping at each other's side.

- This wuss took a number from me. Although he is annoying, and occasionally, I feel like punching him, I feel the joy of knowing the model. I am wonderful! - she announced enthusiastically, grabbing her friend's cheeks. The brunet pushed her hands away and, with a grimace on his face, sped up his step because this girl was putting him to shame.

Samantha stopped in place when the sound of her favorite song rang out. With fascination in her eyes, she looked at the screen, which showed a call from a restricted number.

She answered.

- You will need me in the evening, so wait for my call. - After these words, he hung up, so Samantha snorted under her breath.

- Just because I resemble a dog doesn't mean you'll treat me like one," she replied pretentiously into the phone.

She lifted her face and wrinkled her nose when she noticed how far away Mark was from her.

- Wait for me! - she yelled, and several people turned their attention to her. - I come with you, and now you leave me? Just wait ... Let me get you, you scapegoat!