Previously on Seven Rings of Hell, the hell raising curiosity craving of the battle of Kimura and the beast Kuma and finally with the help of the ones he loves Kimura was finally brought back to his senses and is finally getting the help he needs... But... Kuma isn't gone yet...
{We resume back to the scene in the backroom all the blood curdling pressure in the air has desolved and Kimura's is in the loving arms of Tokito and Onaraka}
Kimura: Thank you guys... I really needed this I've been... Going through the worst...
Onaraka: It's completely understandable we really haven't had a chance to actually talk about mom's passing.
Tokito: It's completely okay to feel these emotions and take as long as you need to get through this, but the best way to make her and yourself proud is to-
Kimura: Complete this training...
Onaraka: Yeah think about it doing this will make you stronger so that you can take on anything that life throws at you.
Kimura: Really?
Tokito: Yes this training connects you to parts of yourself that you never knew before, you can become the man you want to be.
Kimura: But what if I can't do it, shar if I'm not good enough? What if?
Onaraka: Listen, only you can say where your limit is, stop trying to be good enough for everyone else, be good enough for yourself first! I know you can do this, we believe in you. All that's left for you to believe in yourself that you can do it. (As she pats him on the head)
Kimura: (As Kimura's eyes light up with intent) I will try my best!
{And for once Kimura isn't faking it, his heart is filled with determination to change the coarse of his life and be a better person}
Itadori: So Kimura what's your decision... Do you want to continue with the training you do know that it only gets harder from here...
Kimura: Yes sir! I want to complete this training sir!! (Says firmly without any hesitation)
Itadori: Alright then!! We'll need to first get rid of the damage you've done to yourself sir with (as it cuts to Kimura on a treadmill) running!!
Kimura: Argh!! (Coughs alot) My lungs feel like there being crushed!!
Itadori:Good! You've been smoking too much we're clearing those lungs. And plus your biggest weakness is your stamina and this is the best way to fix that!
Kimura: It hurts so much!! (As he starts coughing up blood) [ But I have to keep going!!] (As his eyes shine bright purple)
{As Kimura digs deep and a light blue aura starts shining}
Kimura: [Gotta keep pushing!!] (As his speed suddenly increases)
Itadori: That's more like it! Now take deeper breathes!
Kimura: Okay! (As he takes one big breathe)
{As Kimura exhales the light blue becomes even more powerful}
Itadori: [We've finally got rid of all that dirt next is...] (As it transitions to Kimura hitting the sand bag)
Itadori: Bro why is your form so trash? I thought you wanted to be a professional boxer?
Kimura: Look, I'm really tired from all that running, plus Sendou never trained me properly all he did was just punch me in the gut all the time and bruise my face. That wasn't fun...
Itadori: Okay then follow my lead. I'll show you that boxing can be fun! (As he takes an upright stance) Left foot forward arms at cheek level arc a little pit your weight on your left foot.
{As Kimura follows Itadori's moves}
Itadori: Just like that, now bounce back and forth.
Kimura: (bounces and loses balance) Like this?
Itadori: No. Like this (as he shows him) It's just jumping a little bit forward and back in a straight line. Give it a try.
{As Itadori shows Kimura the way forward he...}
Itadori: Now it's time to hit the bag. Just throw out your best punch. (As he holds the bag for him) [Let's see if that power is still in him.]
Kimura: Take this!! (With full intensity throws a right)
{But the punch land with no power}
Itadori: (breaks out laughing) Bro what was that?! Your form is all wrong, you don't just throw out a punch without a stance. Then the punch won't have any power, so you keep your left arm tight to your body so that you can pull all the strength from your back then you, twist your hips and push off your power leg into. (As he does it and lands a perfect right straight)
Kimura: I think I get it. (As he walk through it) How about this!! (As he tries seriously)
{As he launches a powerful red aura surrounds Kimura as all his muscles are used perfectly into the right straight}
Kimura's punch knocked the bag into the air
Itadori: Wow!!
Kimura: Look Itadori I did it!!
Itadori: You really did, I'm proud of you!! (As he hugs him)
Kimura: Your proud of me? [No one has ever been proud of me before...]
Itadori: Of course, your crushing everything I throw at you, and your showing me that you are good enough. (As he ruffles his hair) Good job Kid! So... Do you like boxing?
Kimura: I absolutely love it!!
Itadori: Alright then!! But we'll be back to this later.
{As it montages through Kimura's training}
Itadori: You need a spirit that can't be broken and a body that can handle anything! And standing under a waterfall is the best way to do that.
{As it shows Kimura struggling with it}
It flashes forward months as Kimura is training harder than ever, and day by day getting stronger until...
Kimura: [ Light work!!] (As his speed on the treadmill is incredibly fast almost as fast as Kuma)
{It cuts to him hitting the bag}
Itadori: Now a One-two!!
Kimura: Yes sir!! (As he performs it perfectly as he sends the bag to the roof)
Itadori: Perfect!! Now it's time for the final test.
{As it cuts to the waterfall}
Itadori: If you can stand tall under that thsn your training for now will be complete.
Kimura: Yes sir!!
As Kimura sits under it
Kimura: [I have... (As he puts one foot down) To do this!! (As it shows all his muscles in agony bulging) My body is crying fore stop... But (as he plants his other foot) No matter what... (As he begins to stand) Nothing will stop me!!] (As he stands tall as he unleashes a powerful blue aura that stops all the water in zero gravity) Finally... The endless rain has calmed down now I can enjoy this rainbow... (As his feet float up) I finally awakened my element and it's for real this time! (As he starts crying)
Itadori comes in and hugs him
Itadori: I know Kimura... I'm proud of you too. You've made this possible. Your first day is complete. Go out there and enjoy some food.
{As it cuts to them leaving}
Kimura's first day is officially in the history books now he's still got a long journey left until he's fully mastered his element,and we will see that in...
Th next chapter!!