Akane Hayashi, a 17 year old girl living in Tokyo with her mom, has just started high school and is passionate about volleyball. In the volleyball club, she meets Ken Fuji, a mysterious but ridiculously skilled boy that captured her heart without ever trying. But unbeknownst to her, this same person had also captured the heart of her mother, without ever knowing that they were related.
This isn't my own story I just got it from a friend that tried to write this on another platform but couldn't continue because of personal reasons. I'll be uploading the raw first before deciding whether to make it my own or not.
Author here with the usual five stars I think the concept itself isn't bad but I'm not sure if I can handle it well I don't have much experience with building up romance But it's improving gradually If you give my fanfic a read you'll understand So I'll upload about twenty chapters before deciding to continue or not so give me your honest reviews