The Next Chapter

I immediately felt the magic saturating the air once I stepped through the portal I made. Looking around I found myself in a dark cavernous room with an archway behind me. 

The lone archway was very familiar to me, I skimmed through my memories and found the relevant information as to what world I was in now. Smiling, I knew I had lucked out with this world jump.

"Hopefully this is the world Rowling made and not some poorly written fan adaptation." 

I discovered that my world travels were not limited to canon storylines. I had once found myself in another 'Marvel' universe where everyone was somehow gay if not genderbent. 

I teleported myself out of the Veil room and into the street above. I couldn't help but to feel a shiver of childhood nostalgia as I watched the world around me. Wizards and witches, magical creatures in all shapes and sizes. Shops selling magical candies and goods. I made a mental note to enjoy this world as much as I could. Walking over to a news stand I checked the date on the paper. 

'August fifth of nineteen seventy seven.' I let out a mental sigh. Of all the places I could end up, I end up in a time that JKR didn't talk about. My hopes that this was a canon storyline faltered at that thought. 

I was decades from the main story even starting. This means that Voldemort is still making horcruxes and being an all around twat rather than being a wraith. Putting the paper back I made my way over to the Gringotts and ignored the lengthy poem on the door that people seemed to always read for some reason. The goblin guards were about to say something until they noticed me. They immediately paled before opening the doors. 

'It seems they can sense my divinity or my power even if I have it restrained.' 

I didn't really need a vault since I had access to my own pocket dimension. But I also wanted to enjoy my time here, so I needed an identity along with the relevant paperwork. As I was led through the bank I quietly came up with a backstory for myself. The goblins that I passed seemed to tense up causing a small amount of satisfaction on my part. I never liked the greedy little buggers. Eventually I was seated across from the goblin equivalent of a bank manager. We spoke for what seemed like hours before reaching a conclusion.  

I wasn't too creative with names so I stuck with Theseus, the name Sally Jackson gave me. For my last name I got a bit cheeky with 'Dimiourgos', sticking with the Greek theme and calling myself 'Creator'. It was admitly on the nose, but that was the point. The goblins seemed to understand who and what I was. Didn't really know how, but they knew that I wasn't to be crossed. I signed some papers and was given two large vaults. 

The vaults I filled with mountains of Gold and all the weapons I had collected in my many adventures. The only things I kept in my 'inventory' were a few thousand Galleons, my identification papers, several cases of Nectar and Ambrosia, several swords, and my 'Symbol of Power' that I had forged before my impromptu war with the Greek pantheon. 

My 'Symbol of Power' was a trident that could also transform into a broadsword. I chose the forms because of familiarity with the weapons and the fact that technically Poseidon was my father. 

See, in my first life, my sister and I had been orphans. Left at the doorstep of an orphanage. So when I was born to Sally and Poseidon I immediately accepted them as my parents. They certainly beat out whoever my original birth parents had been. This was one of the main reasons I kept the name Theseus. It was something that Sally gave me and I wanted something to remember her by. 

My weapon allowed me to channel all of my powers and not just the ones I inherited from Poseidon, I also discovered that it had a new form. That of a wand, which could also channel my powers. Its wand form was sea green inlaid with Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold glyphs. The material felt like it was made out of some sort of coral though I didn't know how coral could be crafted into a wand. I didn't complain though, my wand would definitely be unique in this world. 

Upon seeing the divine weapon, the goblins were thoroughly convinced of my godhood. From then on they went out of their way to make sure that I was as comfortable as could be. It was strange seeing the usually passive aggressive goblins be so kind.

Once I concluded dealing with my new vaults I found myself in my recently promoted account managers office. After setting up dozens of investments into companies I knew would flourish I purchased large plots of land. 

Soon I had a rather ornate Greek styled property in Wales and a whole villa in France. The property in Wales was created using my power. It resembled a typical Greco-Roman temple with large marble pillars, exotic gardens, and an expansive forest towards the 'backyard'. I admit I was having fun with things.

Again using my power I erected overpowered wards around the entire property from border to border. They functioned a lot like intent based wards only allowing those with no ill will to pass unharmed. A raiding part of Death Eaters learned this the hard way when they tried to break in a week after I had staffed the place with house elves. 

The pure blood elitists got turned into charred piles of minced meat. After that I toned down the intensity of the wards. It wasn't like anyone could really hurt me. 

Using my powers I manipulated reality a bit so that I would get a letter inviting me to Hogwarts. A good friend of mine always said 'it's part of the experience' and I was technically only sixteen after all. Since I ascended when I was sixteen I was forever stuck at that age much to my displeasure. I could still shift forms to an older form and even various animals but my 'true form' was that of a sixteen year old. 

Once my letter came, I was starting in the sixth year, I had my house elves pick up all my books and materials. I stayed home to practice casting spells. I learned that I could cast the spells from this world, though they tended to be a bit overpowered due to my nature.

Even though I was limiting myself I was still quite overpowered. I didn't want to put a bigger lock on my power but I also felt like just throwing caution to the wind and unleashing my full might. My goal was to have fun though, not smite everyone I didn't like. So I dedicated some time to practice blending in as foolhardy as it seemed. 

Even though I wasn't going to go out of my way to interfere, I also wasn't going to stand on the sidelines doing nothing. Something about watching people die before their time rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was due to my own morality, or maybe it was just me wanting to be a hero. 

September first came around in what felt like the blink of an eye. Checking over my tailored three piece suit I donned my 'blank' Hogwarts robes before teleporting myself to the legendary platform. 

Around me students bid their parents goodbye and I felt a pang of sadness. It reminded me that I foolishly let my anger get the best of me and was ripped away from the first family I had. I needed to get stronger if I was to return to that universe without the threat of multiple primordials hindering me from seeing Percy and Sally. I had no doubt that I was powerful, however, the primordials had me beat on experience. There were also more of them. 

"Come on Sev, we'll never find a compartment at this rate." 

Pulled from my thoughts my eyes followed the blur of red hair that flew past me while dragging a lanky dark haired teen behind it. 

'Lily and Snape. How could I have missed it, Harry's parents should still be in school at the moment.' 

Cursing my own forgetfulness I made my way into the train weaving through students crowded into the tight corridors. 

I found an empty compartment and took a seat before glancing out of the window. A million thoughts raced through my mind as I weighed my options. 

All I wanted to do was enjoy my time here and learn all the spells that I could. That was reason enough to stay for a bit. I could also just kill Voldemort and be done with it. Still, nothing prevented another 'Dark Lord' from rising. That and the fact that the whole society was a cesspit of depravity and bigotry. I'd need to rectify all of it before a permanent change could occur. I couldn't just go out of my way and smite everyone for being assholes, no. And messing with people's free will always left a bad taste in my mouth. Messing with time would inadvertently cause massive changes that would cause the potential knowledge I have to be useless. 

My only option was to wait, first to see if I was in what JKR originally wrote, second, was to make sure that I took out the right people instead of just blindly vaporizing them, and finally, to ensure that everyone that died an untimely death got their second chance. 

'This will be fun…. I hope.'