Marauders (Short)

"Vela for the love of god stop laughing. It wasn't that funny." 

"Come on Prongs, it was a bit funny." 

James glared at his sister in all but blood, Vela Black had been thrown out for not following her mothers pureblood ideals. She had been living with the Potters ever since James had started Hogwarts. Over the years the two had become as close as siblings. Eventually Remus and Peter joined their little family. 

"What he did was impossible." 

"Moony, we can all do what he did. It was just basic transfiguration." 

"Transfiguration of that level without a wand?" 

"He must be a powerful wizard then. I don't believe the 'I'm a god' hogwash for a bit." 

"Then how did he know about our secrets? Much less apparate like that out of Hogwarts." 

"I don't know." 

"I believe him." They all turned to Peter who gulped once he noticed their eyes on him. "What? Couldn't you feel it? He stopped everyone in the room. Then he created a replica of James effortlessly." 

"We'll continue this tomorrow, Vela?" James noticed that she had gone quiet while holding their enchanted map. "What's wrong?" 

"He's not in the castle." 


"He apparated out of the castle." 

"We've already established that he can somehow apparate through the Hogwarts wards. Come on, I'm exhausted, we'll see him again tomorrow." 

The four friends said their good nights before retiring to their room. James lay awake late into the night thinking about Theseus' words about Lily. 

'Maybe I should start making amends. I have been a bit of a prat to her.' 

He let out a sigh before closing his eyes and falling into the realm of Morpheus. 

Vela woke James with a blast of ice cold water from her wand. Peter and Remus had already left for breakfast. When James saw the grin on Vela's face he knew that she had something dastardly planned. 

"Good, you're awake." 

"I was awake before you doused me with water." 

"Just checking," she laughed. "I have a plan to prank Theseus." 

"Oh? Do share." A smile spread across James' face as he dried himself with a spell. 

"Come on get dressed, I'll tell you on the way." 

They quickly drew up a plan to have Theseus consume a potion that would cover him in thick coarse hair. 

"We need Wormtail to get into the kitchens for this. I should be able to bribe the house elves to look the other way while you slip the potion into his drink." 

"Why not just use a switching charm?" 

"It's too easy, and I think he'll notice." 

"Why not just prank the whole school? We're already spiking the drink. Might as well get everyone else while we're at it." 

"Hmm," Vela looked down abashed. "I didn't think of that." 

"This is why we usually leave the planning to Moony." 

"Just give me the potion, might as well get started before everyone else gets to the hall."