Kaly took out a wooden sword and gave it to Darius, then she approached and put both hands on his head, she again used her skill to make him learn the techniques, after a few seconds he had the information and a small headache, but it soon passed. This time she pulled him up while kneeling, her breasts mashing into Darius' face, but he didn't complain.
"Wouldn't that be bad for my learning?"
"No, but if you want to learn the old-fashioned way, I can get some books and teach you other things. But it'll take a lot longer. I'd rather learn this way."
"Let's carry on like this."
"After a while, you'll see how my training is the best and fastest, forget how humans train, shared experience is better. In no time you'll be stronger than the humans who are considered strong, you're a child, so it might be boring and time-consuming."
She got into an attack position, Darius imitated her movements and they attacked and defended, without using force, just technique, they stayed like that for a few minutes, then she started to apply force, but his sword flew away.
"When we signed the pact, your body changed, you're now tougher than before, but you still need to evolve, so I want you to train and strengthen your muscles, soon you'll have the strength of a dragon." She paused, "of a dragon child, but still stronger than a normal human."
Darius went to get his sword and when they returned to training his father appeared and asked why he was training in magic, bow, and sword.
"Next year he'll go to the Royal School, so it would be interesting if he did well in all the tests, it would be a disgrace to have a son who doesn't know magic, swords, and how to use a bow, no matter how basic."
He thought for a moment, then agreed and watched his son train from a distance. He could already see that he was doing better than his eldest son when he was learning to use a sword. Once again he felt bad for having treated his son so badly.
"I told you he had talent, you just didn't believe me and preferred the older son," said Orphelia when Lucius approached her.
"Perhaps you're right. From what I can see, he'll soon surpass the other brothers, none of whom have learned what he's learning. If this keeps up, I think our family will have a bit of a power struggle."
"Maybe, but I think Darius accepts that he won't inherit the house or the title."
"I hope that's true, but I don't know how things will be in the future."
Darius was becoming steadier and steadier in his movements and handling of the sword. He was flowing.
"Now run to your limit."
He ran, this time she waited about 10 minutes to use him magic, she wanted him to get used to the pain and the tiredness, but that takes time. At the moment his body no longer felt the pain it did the first time, but he was still tired.
"I think you need to learn healing magic, come here," she said as she approached him and placed her hands on Darius' head. "You have all my knowledge of healing magic, now use it to heal yourself and reduce your fatigue while you run, do it to your limit."
He kept running and every twelve laps he would use the skill and then recover, he managed to repeat this six times, but then he got tired and fell to the ground.
"Healing magic uses a lot of mana, so you have to use it carefully when you're starting out, but rest assured, you'll soon be strong and mana won't be a problem anymore."
He remained on the floor resting, Kaly approached him and used her ability on him, and he recovered. Then they went to the shower and she was naked next to him, she was rubbing his body with a towel, he wasn't attracted to her, as much as her breasts attracted attention, her body was still that of a child and so his carnal desires were non-existent. He even tried to touch her parts, but he gave up, she noticed and didn't care.
After showering, she dressed him and they both went to the dining room; she was his teacher, so she was allowed to sit at the table with the others. At the table were Lucian, Orphelia, Darius, and Aeris. Him two brothers were at the Royal Academy, and him older brother is a royal knight, he is one of those in charge of the princess's security.
"I see you're making progress, Darius," his mother said as she cut into a piece of steak.
"I think I am, but I still consider myself weak.
"There's some equipment for measuring mana, I have one and I'd like to measure yours, if you don't mind," Lucius said as he stood up and walked to a door.
"All right."
When he agreed, his father asked one of the maids to bring a plate over to Darius. He put his hand on the sign and a number appeared, it was 150 and underneath there was another, it was 2.
"What would that number be?"
"The bottom number is level, the more you use magic the higher it is and the less you spend on mana, as it and your mana grow you can use a lot more magic."
She stood up and approached the board, she placed her hand on it and an infinity symbol appeared on the mana meter and the number 7,692 appeared on the level.
"My mana isn't infinite as shown here, it's just the counter that can't account for it completely."
"That counter goes up to the number 32,000."
"My mana is at least double, or more. I'm not sure, I don't usually measure my power."
"Where are you from?"
"Have you ever heard of the Drakonia Holy Empire?"
"The country of dragons?"
"Yes, I learned everything I know there, I had a great teacher. He made me use magic until I was exhausted, that was from the age of 4. By the time I was 8, I was stronger than the court mage here. Dragons are strict and great at teaching, if you have enough money you'll be the best at whatever you want to be, my parents hired the best teacher there, I learned magic, archery, swords, art, summoning beasts, and lots of other things."
"That's really incredible."
"When I said I was the best to teach your son, I really meant it. Next week there's the magic and swords tournament, I've passed the selection stages and I'm going to take part, it'll be great for you to show off your son's teacher to the other nobles." She returned to her seat at the table.
"That's really good for his image and mine."
"Nobles always need to keep up appearances."
"I never asked your price for lessons and care, even though I offered double Aelyn's salary."
"You don't have to worry, I chose you as my student, so you don't have to pay me."
"As you said, nobles need to keep up appearances, so allow me to pay and give you a present.
He stood up and asked them to go into a room, there Lucian took out a pouch with 12 gold coins and next to it was a sword, it seemed to be made of mythril, on the hilt were some strengthening crystals, they made the sword never lose its edge, this was kind of unnecessary because of the resistant metal. She stared at the sword and bowed, thanking it for the gift.
She noticed another crystal, she recognized it and kept looking at the writing, the sword becoming more resistant with each monster slaying. The magical writing had another symbol that she couldn't identify.
"I didn't know you were going to take part in the tournament, but I saw that you use a sword very well, so I ordered one. It was forged by an ancient dwarf, they are the best in the art of forging."
"Now I have a good sword for the competition, thanks again for the gift."
"No need to thank me, but I want to ask you one more question, would you mind teaching Aeris magic? She's always liked it, we don't know her class yet, but I think it would be interesting for her to learn."
"I'll do my best."
"Just one thing, she's still 6 years old, take it easy."