Chapter 8: Friendship


It's Sunday and you know what?

Girls' day. Yahhhh

Yesterday, I was supposed to go to the agency later in the day but Mrs Smith gave me the day off. Telling me that there would be a meeting for the whole staff on Monday. I wonder if something is up. Well I will get to know on Monday.

After my ridiculous wet dream about Asher, I tried as much as possible not to think about it and vowed to avoid him from henceforth.

I slept in throughout yesterday only waking up to eat and sleep again and now I'm up trying to get my place in order. I started off with my room, getting the laundry done, cleaning and scrubbing places.

I don't usually get the chance to clean my place everyday because of work so on Sundays, I usually do general cleaning. I love this place, gives me the vibe of a home.

Speaking about home, it's been long I speak with them and I'm sure they don't care either.

The only person that I call is Stephen. He knew to some extent my fears and scars so he always checks on me sometimes. I miss them though but I can't go back. I ran away and I can't go back even if I wanted to.

_Andy please help me, Don't do this to me. I love you, you love me too. You can't allow them to do this please. Untie me Andy please, I begged but I realised that my cries are his pleasure so I stopped crying and struggling. When he sees I have stopped crying and pleading, he started beating me.

I cried internally but never giving him the satisfaction of crying out. _

Andy was my boyfriend before I graduated from college. One summer holiday, I went home and that when I met Andy.

We started dating by the end of summer and he was the sweetest guy I have met or so I thought.

I went back to school and we continued dating. We called, face timed, texted and all. He visited sometimes and I love him then. During Christmas, I went back home and was happy to be with him. That was when I started noticing his change in behaviour, he became a little bit abusive and he would apologize immediately saying he doesn't know what came over him.

Then one day, I caught him with some of his guys, where they tied a girl to a pole naked while taking pictures and videos of her. At first, I was shocked and couldn't believe it but his smirks where visible for me to see. He has no regrets what's so ever and it's shows this is really whom he is. He has been hiding what he really is from me.

You, found me babe? He had said with a smirk on his face.

What's going on, why is she tied up and you allowed your friends to video her naked.

Did they also .... I mean ....

I exclaimed in fear, having no courage to say the words.

He was just there, laughing, not denying anything and making me scared.

Andy please, let her go right now. This is evil, you shouldn't encouraged it.

I'm not just encouraging it my love, I'm the chief planner.

What? Is this really you?

God.. you're evil Andy and you need help.

That was when I broke up with him but he never accepted that I will go just like that.

You Ivy, don't break up with me, I own you and you're mine. You don't get to leave. He flared up.

I just about to run when he made his boys/friends to hold me, while he used the knife in his hand to cut my clothes and discard them, leaving me in only my undies. They dragged me to the bed and tied me to the bed. My hands were tied to each bed head.

He has sent the previous girl away saying he has a better option now..

I became more scared.

I pleaded, screamed and cried but it was on deaf ears.

I had to stop when saw he was enjoying my struggled and that annoyed himmore. He enjoy my pleadings, He brought out his belt and started hitting me asking me to scream and continue begging. He asked his boys to take video of everything happening so he will enjoy it at later.

That was when I knew he was really sick, I had no one to save me. I only told Stephen that I'm going to see Andy. Andy never knew I was coming to see him. I had come to surprise him but I got the surprise instead.

I felt helpless and disgusted. I was tired of crying too.

After a while, he went out and brought food and tried feeding me but I couldn't eat. He forced me but I couldn't stomach anything so I throwed up on him. That seems to anger him so he removed his clothes and forced himself on me. I cried, struggled but I was helpless because I was tied up. He made sure to go different round and only stop once he is tired. He played with my breast as he wishes, my pussy was sore for days and he couldn't care less. I fainted when I couldn't take it again. He kept me for days in his place.

He kept hitting and raping me as he wishes. Making videos of everything.

I would faint and then wake up later and the torture continued.

Waking up again, I was in the hospital with aches all over my body.

I looked around and saw Stephen. I was too tired to talk so I didn't say anything.

He seems to understand and didn't say anything either. He called the doctor and the doctor prescribed drugs with instructions. I had been out for two days and all my ribs aches.

The doctor advised I stay out of sex for a month or more before engaging myself again (like I would ever have sex again)

I was discharged after two days. Our parents were out of town and so they didn't know what happened, Bruce was busy with the plantation too.

Coming back home I begged Steph not to tell anyone. I never told him what really happened but he let me know that he will be here whenever I need him. He looked for Andy with the police but it looks like he disappeared in the thin air. Even though I told him not to make the report because I can't go over what Happened. He had assured me that everything will be done discreetly and no one will find out.

From that day, I started avoiding people, I comes out only to eat. I even avoid my parents too. Stephen comes around sometimes to check on me and that's it. No much conversation. I barely greet anyone these days. My parents after asking for a long time what the problem is, and gave up after getting the same "I'm fine and nothing" response. They never really cared. They were all about their travels after handing the company to Bruce who has been busy ever since then.

After a month, I stepped out of the house to get fresh air one evening. I haven't even gone far and came across Andy again. I became scared and started running. He got to me after a while, grabbing me by my hair and dragged me to a corner.

I screamed but he covered my mouth silencing any sound coming out.

You've been hiding from me baby girl, why is that?

I kept quiet never looking at him.

Don't worry baby girl, you will never escape from me. You will be graduating soon and you will come back to me. Because you are mine.

He left me on the ground and left.

That was when I vowed never to come back to Florida again.

I went back home and started packing my bags and left after dropping a note for my parents telling them I went back to school.

On getting to the school I became scared of guys and stopped so many things I usually do like going to the club which I rarely do, hiking and singing. I'm not a singer though but I normally like to sing. I have done many karaoke and people have enjoyed my voice too.

I only gets out of the house to go straight to class or library. I don't stay out late.

I became a shell of my own shadow.

On one of days I was coming back from the library I met Scar. At first I was sceptical about making friends but there was something about her that made me connected to her. She was with Ella and she introduced me to her as her friend.

They asked me why I have stopped associating with people like I do. And that they missed me singing. Wow, they have seen me sing.

She asked if she could call me sis and that's all it took me to spill out what has happened to her.

She was the first person I opened up to, she and Bella. They comforted me and promised never to abandoned me or used it against me.

We became each others comforter and Ella because my close friend too. She's a real sweet girl.

After graduation, I told my parents that I don't want to come home yet and I need to explore my potentials. They argued initially but I stood my ground so they let me be. They asked me to always call them if I need anything. O never called them ever and at a point I stopped picking their calls. I equally changed my line later on

I had followed Scar and Ella to the city of New York. Ella accommodated me in the first year until I got a job at the agency and moved. When I met Grace in college I introduced her to Scar and Ella and that's how the squad came to be_

The ringing of my phone brought me back to the present world.

I picked up and it was an unknown number.

Hello, is this Ivy Leah Steel?

Yes and who may you be?

This is Mia calling from Asher Co. You have an interview scheduled by 3pm on Monday here at the company, please be there on time.

I was confused, I have no business with that company, as a Matter of fact, I am doing everything possible to avoid HIM. Wait, what interview? I never submitted my application there. What's going on.

Hello? She asked.

Yes, I'm still here but I think you have the wrong person.

Are you not Miss Ivy Steel? She asked.

Yes I am.

Then your the person I was told to contact.

Thank you and have a nice day.

The line went off.

What just happened?

My stomach growled. I haven't eaten since morning. I checked the time and it was nearing mid day. Wow, I was already through with cleaning so I thought to go take a shower and start cooking. I took a cup of tea and headed to my room.

After shower, I dressed up in a black leggings and a red crop top, put my hair in a messy pony tail and headed to the kitchen.

I'm in good mood so I made a velvet soft cake, paster, chicken dip, salad and some fresh fruit juice. And just then there was a knock.

Here comes my girls.

I don't need to open the door for them because they know my pass keys to my place.

I proceed to start setting the table.

Wow, whose birthday are we celebrating? Ella asked.

Well, we are celebrating four years of friendship...

I love you, Grace rushed to me kissing me all over..

I started laughing, typical Drama Queen.

G can we eat already, I'm starving.

We all got seated and diged in. We started recounting our years and all that has happened.

Telling a story that had happened between us over the years.

Scar had recalled an event that happened last year and everyone laughed over it, Grace will never forget that day. It was the day we all knew that beneath the strong exterior she presents lies a baby on the inside. She's a lover girl and all she ever wants is to get someone that loves her dearly.

After eating Scar and Grace volunteered to clear the table and wash the dishes.

I went to the living room with Ella who asked if I had ice-cream. Of course I wouldn't forget to buy it.

I brought two out leaving the remaining two for Scar and G.

Ella already tuned a movie for us to watch. I wasn't in the mood to go out just yet but I know it's a Matter of time before they drag me out.

Scar and Grace joined us and I told them about the call I got earlier.

They all advice I go and find out what is going on which I also agreed with them.

Then Grace asking me if I have got my pussy whipped on Friday. 

I told her no and I was working throughout. My face turning crimson red.

I was getting hot, remembering the wet dream so I suggested we get going out.

They were all looking at me suspiciously, because they knew I would rather stay in than suggest we head out.

Ella was the first one to ask. Did you get someone at the event?

Did you really not get your little cunt banged. G added.

Did you meet him again? Ella added.

Gosh, girls.... Calm down ok... Nothing happened, and I was practically busy throughout. Mrs Carol even left halfway and left me in charge, so when and how will I have the time to bang or whatever...

They were looking at me knowing I'm hiding something but I decided not to tell them about my stupid wet dream with you-know-who.

Babes let's go, or you wanna stair at me all day.

More reason why we're staring at you because Ivy never suggest going out first. Grace spoke. Still scrutinizing me.

I agree, scar said.

Me too. Ella added.

I rolled my eyes at them and got up. Leaving them to Wonder.

And our day was just from one store to another getting random clothes and things.

We went to the park and random places. We ate at Mac Donald and by the time I got home it's late already.

I went straight to shower and head for my bed.

I have a long day tomorrow

Why the heck am I getting interviewed at Ashers Company. I murmured to myself remembering the call earlier. I don't want to see that hot devil.

So much for avoiding HIM.
