Chapter 10: Adjusting


I can't move in with you.

It's not proper and I can manage if needs be. I spoke stubbornly.

There's no point for argument Miss Steels because you already signed the contract.

Be ready by Sunday afternoon. I will send a moving van to your place. I know you and your friends have a day together every Sunday. You might want to reschedule it for for a month. Looking at your new schedule. You don't have that kind of time to waste playing around.

How the hell did you know about that? How did you even know where I live?

That's beside the point but you will have to agree with me that I am right. Plus you have no option here, you already lost that right when you signed it before going over it, which I might have to add that I'm happy you did.

He's right and there's nothing I can do about it.

But I will have to put up a fight first.

Mr Asher, I don't know about you but I really respect other people's privacy and I need mine too. And right now you are stepping on my privacy. Did you do a background check on me? You know some stuffs you're not supposed to know and this whole arrangements of yours is very stupid and I am not and will never accept that.

Caspian, call me Caspian from now on and there's no need for that privacy shit. I live alone with few staffs so your privacy will be well protected. I don't bring women to my house if that's what you're worried about.

Why I'm I feeling hot, all of a sudden, why I'm I reacting to him and it's like my body hears his voice as well. This is going to be harder than I thought. How this six whole months will be is something I don't know and I can't imagine being close to him almost everyday.

I activated a slogan to avoid him at all cost and stick to professionalism.

If you have nothing else to say I have another meeting at 5 and I need to get going.

I was speechless, he stood up and I did too.

It was nice officially meeting you Miss Steel or should I say Ivy and I hope we both abide by the contract.

I will see you around.

And he left.

That rude arrogant Bingo fucking left without hearing what I have to say.

What do I even want to say I already signed the contract.

Stepping out of the office, I took the elevator and head home.

Getting home, I took my bath and made something to eat. I was quite happy but moody at the same time.

My phone chimed and it was a message from the squad group.

G. What's up Vy, how did the interview go?

Ella. Yea what was it about?

Scar. And your meeting at the agency?

God. What would I have done without them. I called them in the group call and they all picked almost immediately.

I went ahead and explain everything from the agency meeting to the asshole meeting, with them screaming and interrupting me at intervals.

Grace was practically screaming by now as she turned the call to group face time immediately.

My baby is now a CEO

Grace screamed..

Congratulations Vy, Ella and Scar said.

Thanks babes. It still feels like a dream but the reality is already coming down on me.

So, what are you going to do, since you signed the contract with Caspian. Scar asked.

I don't know. I guess I will have to move in with him for the main time and them buy a condo after a while in a more nicer place and move back out.

Yeah, nice idea Ella chimed in.

Or you can just live with him, enjoy the luxury as well as the dick. Grace said.

Thanks but no thanks.

We talked for a while before hanging up.

I checked my laptop and saw that Carol already sent me all the outstanding jobs and details. Being her formal PA, I already knew about most of the jobs.

I started responding to emails accepting the jobs and drafting our own job schedule.

I forwarded them to Ava with instructions and how to staff all staffs for the jobs ahead.

Finishing up it was 11pm already so I went straight to bed.

The next day. I woke up, did my routine. I dressed up in a red skirt that hugged me nicely with a white flower shirt, I paired it up with a black heels. I had my light make-up on. Checking my self in the mirror, I made a mental note to go for clothes and shoes shopping later in the week. Thanks to the girls that always force me to buy clothes sometimes. At least I have few decent clothes to start work with but I definitely need to shop for office clothes.

Getting to the office, they started greeting me.

Good morning ma'am

It's oddly weird, having to accept the changes now and the new title.

I curtly answered them. And entered the lift.

Entering my office, Ava brought a cup of coffee for me shortly after I entered.

Good morning ma'am, she greeted.

I smiled, Ava please call me Ivy or Vy, we have been friends before now and I don't take coffee. Tea and water will be nice. And you also don't need to be bringing them for me but I really appreciate.

Sure ma'am, I mean Vy.

She briefed me on the new jobs and upcoming jobs.

We went over the details and venue. Noting down things we need to buy and all. She told me Mr Asher asked when I will be coming to the company.

I dismissed her and went over my schedule. Having Tuesday and Thursday as the best days to be at Caspian's office I quickly added it to my schedule and sent to Ava. This means that I won't be coming to the agency every Tuesday and Thursday for the next six months unless I needed to do something urgently here.

I grabbed my bag and left for Asher's company.

I entered and exchanged greetings with few staffs. Getting off on the last floor, I greeted Mia who smiled at me and asked me to go ahead that Mr Asher is in and waiting.

I knocked and got a soft come in.

I entered and can't seems to get enough of the view over here.

Good morning Mr Asher, I greeted

It's Caspian, Miss Steel. Good morning.

That's you desk over there. He pointed to a new table with a comfortable chair and a system on top.

Nice Mr asshole.

Well, it would be fair to call me Ivy then.

I made my way to my desk to get started.

Do you need coffee or anything, Mia can get it for you.

No thanks. I don't drink coffee and I'm good.

I sat down and set my handbag down. Getting out the water I always have with me. I felt him watching me but I paid him no attention. I got my glasses and put on the system.

Like he said yesterday, Mia already installed and arranged everything I needed to get started.

I started from reading everything about this annual workers Summit.

It's an event organised to encourage all his workers. They usually give awards to workers, ranging from best worker of the year to most punctual and so on.

It is also used as a promotion day for those that deserves it.

I checked previous activity and it's usually an evening/night event.

I started making research on how I can make it more better and colourful. After that I started cueing in all the workers name into an IV to remind them on time about the event.

I have been working and didn't even notice that it's late already, nice I skipped lunch and almost worked late.

I made a mental note to start parking lunch, if I will be this busy going forward.

I copied my progress in a flash so I can work on it more before Thursday... I have less that one month to plan this event.

I looked around and Mr Asher is no where to be seen.

I stepped out of the office and informed Mia that I am leaving. I told her to prepare a guest list for me by Thursday which she agreed. I bid farewell to her and left.

Coming out of the lift. The reality of what Mr Asher said downed on me. I have no car and getting a taxi this late will take a while.

I was still contemplating on what to do when a car stopped in front of me. The driver got down and came towards me. He introduced himself as Mario and said that Mr Asher instructed him to take me home.

Wow, nice of him.

I thanked him. He opened the car door for me and I thanked him again.

I was giving him my address but he said that he knows my address.

After an hour drive we got to my place. I thanked him again and went him.

He was there waiting till I got in before he drove off.

I have no strength to Cook so I opted for the left overs in my freezer. Took my bathe and checked the emails Ava sent to me. She informed me that Mrs Smith has taken her stuff and I can change anything I needed to change in the office.

I thought about it but Carol had a great taste. There's nothing much to change but I will definitely add a few things.

Just like that it's weekend already, I don't have to go to work today because it's Saturday and no outstanding event. Our next job should be on Wednesday. But I did went to work just to finish up some work that Mrs Carol left for me. I finally got to see her fiance and he seems like a nice man. He has a young daughter though which Carol seems to love already.

On Thursday, I went to Asher's company but, he wasn't in throughout the day. Mia informed me that he traveled to take care of things. It was peaceful and I love it. I was supposed to brief him on things already but since he traveled, I mailed it to him. I haven't spoken to him since Tuesday.

Mia has been very supportive as well as Ava. They make my work much easier although it's still heavy but I'm managing.

I just got home and I need to start parking before tomorrow. I don't need to park everything. I already informed my landlord about my moving and I told him not to rent it out yet until I packed all my stuffs. I paid him two months extra to be on a safer side.

I got four boxes. Packed my essentials, clothes but not all, books and other things I thought I would need before I find a comfortable condo. I don't need to move my furniture and kitchen stuffs because I'm sure he will have more than enough.

Looking at the time it's past 10 already so I prepared to go to bed before my phone chimed.

From The Squad:

Grace. Someone forgot about her best friends.

Scar. Give her a break, she's still overwhelmed with work and adjusting to the new role.

Me. Sorry guys, I didn't forget you. Was just overwhelmed like Scar rightly said.

Grace. I know. Was just pulling your legs. How's work and Mr Asher

I rolled my eyes. Though she couldn't see me.

G. Don't you roll your eyes because I will pluck it out.

She really knows me.

Well work is coming together and Caspian is not around

Scar. Ohkayy, first name basis huh?

Me. Yeah. He asked me to.

What's up where is Ella?

Scar. She had a little fight with her boyfriend so she's has gone to mend things

G. With a good make up sex.

I recommended that.

Typing Grace Advice and suggestion.

G. Babe you're still moving in with him tomorrow right?

Me. Yes, done parking already.

I will see you guys tomorrow, yes?

G. Definitely

Scar. Yap.

Me. Ok. Goodnight sweethearts. I love you all.

I went offline and lay down.

My phone chimed again. It was a text telling me about moving in tomorrow.

Unknown number. You remember you're moving in to my house tomorrow?Be ready by 2pm. You don't need to pack much things. Everything you may need is here.

I knew who it came from so I saved the number as Arrogant Bingo.

I thought about how my life got here, it has been a lot of crossed bridges.

I miss home. I miss my mum, dad and siblings. Bruce has been the shadow brother of mine, always at the dark but looking out for me. He's the quiet twin. At first I was thinking it's Stev that has interest in the business but I was surprised when he opened his own studio. Bruce took over the company immediately he came out of college while my parents retired and started living out their life. We became distant. It was more of I and Stephen. When Andy happened, he was really there for me through everything. He would randomly took pictures of me and force me to be his model. He's very keen on nature photography.

Looking back, he had more pictures of me than he could even imagine. U smiled remembering when he would send me a picture every day for a whole month. His snaps and Instagram was filled up with my pictures.

I slept off, Making a mental note to call home tomorrow.
