Chapter 23- You're mine


I think we slept in the same position throughout the night because his dick is still inside of me and believe me it's getting hard inside me.

I had the best sex in my life, I had to only think about Cas and it helped me overcame my shadows. I think I like having sex with my man. Yes my man. Like right now, his dick is inside my pussy getting hard and I'm getting wet already.

Caressing his hairs, he moved and his dick moved inside of me.

Hmmmmm I moan. He tighten his arms around me, lifting one to hold and suck my breast. I love how he sucks me. This man haven't even opened his eyes and he is all over me already.

I have been waiting for you to wake up to have my breakfast. He started moving. He opened his eyes and all I can see is passion and love. He rolled us so that he's fully on top of me.

He spread my legs wider to get full access of my pussy. He started moving again...

Harder baby, I said. I'm getting all hot and I want his dick all inside of me.

Yes yes ahh arhh arhh fuck...

Hmmm arhhhh he groan. I love when he does that. ... He slipped out of me and and started feasting on my pussy... He was eating me out like he can't get enough of me...

I held his head moaning for more...

He draw me close to the edge of the bed and bent down to continue his feast. I'm starting to build up and he knew that. He stopped and put his dick back inside of me.

He was standing now as the height of the bed made my pussy to be directly on display for his cock to access.

He pound hard and my breasts going up and down...

Fuck, he swears... Cum with me baby... His strokes are still strong and I'm 2 seconds away from getting done...

Fuck, I clenched around him and came with him spilling his seeds inside of me. It feels warm.

That's how you say good morning love. He said. He bent down and kissed my lips.

He carried me into the shower and washed me. I'm still shy around him so I covered my boobs and bring down my face.

You weren't covering yourself few minutes ago or you want me to refresh your mind? He teased.

He wrapped a towel around me and told me to go dress up. It's 7 in the morning so I quickly brush my teeth and put on Cas hoodie and the short I was wearing yesterday.

I went down to make breakfast... Not knowing exactly what to make. I ended up making a lot. I made cereals, pancakes, scrambled eggs, French toast, fresh fruits.

Smells good... Cas said.

Oh, right on time baby. Sit let me call the girls to come down.

He hugged me from the back and whispered, you look eatable too.

Look who's insatiable here. Shuuu.... Using my ass to move him away but he's not having it, he rather tighten his hands around me.

Looks like some people are in high spirit. I heard Scar after clearing her throat.

Oh good morning. I was about to come call you guys. Trying to free myself but the big hunk refusd to let me go.

I can see that Ella said with sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes at her.

Emm... Babe, these are my girls, my best friends. That's scar (Scarlet) and that's Ella (Isabella)

Girls, meet my baby officially.

Hi ladies. Name is Caspian...

Oh please, we met at the Mall for the first time and please don't be too formal with us. We know you and have been shipping you two since ages. Took you two forever... Ella answered.

Guys Come have a seat. food's ready. Where's G? I asked.

She's taking her sweet time looking for something to wear. Meanwhile I'm taking this with me. Ella said, referring to the cloth on her. It actually looks nice on her.

I have no problem with that. It's not like they didn't come with clothing, in their words. I wouldn't be wearing all the clothes in my wardrobes and they are doing me a favor.

Oh I'm taking half of your wardrobe with me too. Gurl, you don't even wear half of the clothes in there. Scar said.

Is it that you guys didn't come with your clothes, I ached my eyebrow at them? I remember seeing you with bags.

Well, we ought to wreck your wardrobes for now knowing who you're dating. You're literally the richest girlfriend on Earth right now. We taking advantage of you and your luxury. Ella chipped in casually.

I rolled my eyes at her. Deciding not to argue more with her.

Be my guest and blame it on Emma and her brother.

We got seated as I contemplate on going to get Grace myself but she appeared as soon as the thought came.

There she is. Her royal majesty. We've been waiting for you. And babe, this is Grace. Grace, meet....

Mr Archer... Grace finished. Taking a seat beside me

Caspian is just fine... Cas said. Nodding in acknowledgement.

Wow... Are you having a feast girl? Grace asked, staring at all the foods on the table. I must confess, I made a lot. Well, I don't know what everyone would like so I made varieties.

We started eating while making little little discussion mostly about Cas and I. They literally threatened Caspian to take good care of me and he assured them too.

Caspian on the other hand always makes contact with me, like touching my laps, wiping my lips. I have no problem but Grace will always tease me with it.

Breakfast ended, Grace volunteered to clean the dished while Scar helped her.

We have a date with Ian later today so I called him to check on him.

Hi baby, how are you doing?

Ian: I'm fine thank you. I miss you and can't wait to see you today.

Me: awww. I miss you too baby. I will see you soon ok.

Ian: ok bring cookies while coming.

Me: of course I will. See you soon.

Ian: byeee.

Isn't that cheating baby? You are with me and with that other guy too. That's not fair and remember that I don't share what's mine. Cas said.

Aww my big baby is jealous. Anyways we are meeting him today. And he will have to approve of you too.

And why the fuck do I need approval from your ex?

Seeing his face right now, I nearly burst out laughing but I held myself.

Well, we will see. Come on, go get ready. I left him and went to my own room where the girls are ready to leave.

It looks like you have done it? G asked.

Done what? I asked.

The thing.

What thing? I stared at them looking for a clue.

Look at you, glowing and happy. It's all indicated you had a good sex. Ella chipped in.

Wow, first, I'm always happy and the glowing may come from my cream so what's the fuss about. I defended.

You didn't deny having sex which means you did had sex. Finally, I thought you will die a nun. G accused.

I blush and rushed to the closet to change. Believe me I will not hear the end of this any time soon. So it's better I avoid the topic entirely.

We are still waiting bitch.... Grace yelled.

Beat me. What do I expect.

I quickly put on a black pants, and top. Grabbing a jacket and shoe, I went back to the room.

Well? Grace asked, raising her eyebrows.

Well what?

Don't play dumb stupid. You had sex last night right? Grace queried.

Fine. Yes I did. Blush covered my face, so I pretend to be busy by putting on my shoes.

How was it? Do you still feel scared or anything? Scar asked.

At first I did but it got better because he made sure I keep looking at him and hearing his voice. So I'm good now.

Yayyyy. Grace shouted. Make sure every corner of this house is not barren. Fuck like you own the world.

I rolled my eyes at her even though I'm imagining it already.

Can we go now? I have a date and I bet he's waiting for me already. I don't want to keep him waiting.

Aww, a date with Caspian Archer. Ella awed.

Nope. A date with Ian. Cas is meeting him today too.

Ohh the Ian. I would love to meet him too. Scar said.

Yeah, I will tell him that. So guys let's go. I need to be back to prepare for work. I have an event coming up.

We hugged each other and left the room. Coming downstairs, Cas is on the phone but ended the call once he noticed us. That's weird but I waved it off. I went into the kitchen to get Ian's cookies or else I won't hear word from him.

Ready? He asked.

Yes. I said. They are leaving too.

It's nice having you ladies here. Please do visit whenever you want. Cas said, referring to the girls.

Yeah, thanks for having us. And thanks for keeping Vy happy. I hope we don't find a reason to beat you up one day. Grace responded.

And please, she went close to him and whispered something to his ear that that I didn't hear while Cas smiled at whatever she said. It better be good.

What's that for?

That's for you to find out. Grace said with a wink.

We all went outside, Ella and Cas went to get the cars while we wait. Talking about random stuffs.

Cas drove out his Lambo. Really? What a show off. I roll my eyes at that. I kiss them goodbye as they joined Ella in the car while I joined Cas.

Really? You had to drive a fucking Lambo to a date.

Had to show him that I can take care of you more than him. He winked.

Who would believe that Caspian is this playful and relaxed. I smiled at that.

The girls already drove out and Caspian is texting someone on the phone instead of driving out and to be honest. He's been acting weird for a while like he's hiding something from me and I don't want to be inquisitive. I will have to trust him if I want this relationship to work.

Aren't you glued to your phone a bit much now. We are supposed to be out already.

Sorry baby, just needed to send that text so I can focus on punching that guy's face if he looks at you twice. it's important. Here, let's go.

I put in the address of our usual hangout with Ian and he started driving. The drive was comfortably quiet. It seems he's occupied with something in his mind and the girls are chatting me already so I let him be , although his hand never left my thigh.

We got there and Cas was trying to smoothen his clothes. Hahahaha, so much for not caring about what the other guy will say.

Aren't you trying so hard babe?

Well, I gat to look good to intimidate him.

I rolled my eyes at him and started walking away.

Stop rolling your eyes at me woman or you get punished.

I turned and showed him my tongue...

We got in and looked straight to our usual spot and there they are. Ian is backing me so he hasn't seen me yet but Tony has seen me because he put on a big smile...

Baby, you were dating that tool? I remember him. His name is Ian?

He's not a tool and I'm dating his nephew.

Wait! What?

Just before he could say anything else we got to the table. I kissed Ian on the cheek and hugged Tony.

Goodness me, you look good girl. Tony said.

Thank you Tony. You're not bad yourself.

Babyyyy.... Ian screamed. I miss you. Did you bring my special cookies?

Yes I did but it looks like you missed the cookies more. I teased.

Nooo I miss you more and the cookies.

I laughed at that. Goodness, this boy is not behaving like his age.

Cas, this is Ian... Baby, this is Caspian the guy I told you that wants me to be his girlfriend, you already met Tony. Ian is his nephew.

I can't describe Caspian's expression. Should I say, he's more shocked than surprised.

I was sitting beside Ian while Caspian was sitting beside Tony facing Ian and I.

Is he really the boyfriend you've been talking about? The one I'm supposed to get permission from to date you?

I nodded, smiling cheekily

God. He's just a kid babe. I thought you're dating this guy here. And you've been playing me all this while. He leaned forward to whisper that he will punish me for sure.

Can I call you uncle Cas? Ian asked Caspian.

Yes why? Cas answered.

You like my baby and I would like to be friends with you but that's only if you promise not to hurt her and take care of her too.

How old is he again? Cas asked.

I'm five. Ian answered...

Well, first you have to stop calling her baby, that's for adults. Plus she's my girlfriend now and only I can call her baby. Do you understand, young man.

Ian looked at me and said, he's mean. I don't want you to date him. He will not allow me to call you baby but you are my baby.

And you're my baby sweetheart, don't mind him. You will always be my baby.

Where's your mum? Cas asked.

He's in heaven but I want aunty Ivy to be my Mummy now. I love her.

Oh, I didn't know but your dad is taking good care of you so why would you want my baby to be your mum. Besides your dad will marry someone and she will be your mum. Kindly leave my baby for me please.

I facepalmed and somehow Tony find the whole thing amusing. Is this jealousy because why would you tell a kid something like that. I was about to speak but Ian beat me to it.

Uncle Tony is my uncle not my dad and I don't know my dad but my uncle keep telling me that I will meet my dad soon and I hope my dad likes me. My mummy is in heaven already and will not come to see me but everyday I pray to God to help my mummy to see me. I bring my hand together like this( he demonstratses it) and say "dear God, please let my mummy come see me. Her name is Elina Mackenzie just Incase there are too many people up there. ....

What? Elina? Mackenzie? Cas repeated.

Cas turned to Tony. Are you related to Elina Mackenzie. The model with the stage name Lina?

Yes, that's his mum and she's my cousin. Tony replied.

What's going on here ...