Something Isn’t Right Here

Kneeling at the edge of the steep hill, Leander looked at the wall of stone ahead. Unlike the village they had recently left, the green pastures of nature gave way to the dull greys of stone. They had arrived at where Ravenmother had lost the lone manyfang.

Chirping, Ravenmother hopped a few spaces forward looking down at the entrance to the mines.

"See, I couldn't exactly keep following. Who knows how deep it could have gone? I might have gotten lost and never found my way out again."

Leander shook his head. 

"What can you tell me about this place?"

Turning away from the entrance to the mine, Ravenmother slightly tilted her head. Flapping her wings, she hopped up onto Leander's shoulder.

"There's nothing much to say, Hero. It's one of the countless mines that reach into the mountains that border the Undead Kingdom and the Wilds. Now let's get moving, we've been waiting here for ten minutes and that manyfang hasn't come out!"

With a small sigh, Leander rose to his feet.

As he strode down the hill – it's steep less than an inconvenience to him – a thought crossed Leander's mind.

"The Wilds, what is that?"

"You don't know? The Wilds. It's the collective name for the western regions of Ozaria. Since the beasts don't exactly have kingdoms – more territory that grows and shrinks – it's just the Wilds, a lawless domain where the only rule. Is to eat, or be eaten."

Reaching the end of the hill, Leander tilted his head back, eyes tracing the sheer expanse of the imposing mountain that towered before him. The fog clinging to its peak began to creep downward, cascading in billowing waves along the rugged slopes. It drifted outward as it descended, dissipating into wisps long before it could touch the ground

Continuing forward, Leander asked his guide another question.

"So these mountains, how much of the border do they cover?"

Like Leander, Ravenmother had also raised her head to look at the imposing sight high above them. Hearing his question, she ruffled her feathers.

"All of the western border, it is the reason my lady can afford to have the entirety of the undead army positioned on the eastern border. This mountain range offers a natural defence against the Wilds, the only real problem is the winged beasts that every now and then cross the mountain range. But as you know, with this kingdom being in a casual state of rot and decay. The winged beast usually leaves without much fanfare… Which is why this whole situation with the manyfang confuses me."

Stepping into the entrance to the mines, Leander paused for a moment to inspect the entrance. The mine was well lit with still-lit torches hung from the walls at certain intervals in order to hold back the darkness. A minecart track ran from the entrance deeper into the tunnel.

Hopping down from Leander's shoulder, Ravenmother continued hopping towards these lights.

"Hm, it seems the village people left in quite a hurry. They didn't even extinguish the lights. Better for me I suppose."

Without a clue of what to make of Ravenmother's comment, Leander stepped past her further into the mine.

"This is the second time I've heard somebody mention that the Undead Kingdom's army has all been moved to the eastern border, between here and the Goddess' Kingdom. Can you explain what this place has to do with that?"

Ravenmother – who had flown back onto his shoulder – gave Leander a look that could only be described as surprised, although her beaky face made it hard to determine her expression.

"You truly are not informed on what is going on in the world are you?"

Grunting, Leander looked away.

"Tell me or don't."

Ravenmother stamped her feet against Leander's shoulder. The faint pitter-patter echoed in the silence of the tunnel, disrupted only by Leander's own footsteps.

"Alright, alright. No need to be so snappy mister, of course, I'm going to tell you. If you travel east, there you will find the Goddess' Kingdom. As you know, it is where the majority of the Undead Kingdom's army is stationed. Goddess' Kingdom is currently too busy waging war against the Demon Kingdom. My Lady believes that should something change, the Goddess may turn her eye down on us and strike. Which is why most of the materials mined from these mountains are sent east. To fortify, to prepare."

Leander's eyes narrowed as he looked ahead. His mind processing this information, without turning his head, he reached for the rough stone that made up the tunnel wall. Letting his fingers run along its edge, Leander furrowed his brow.

'So this is why Melaine brought me back, she believes that the Goddess' forces could wipe out her own should they win against the Demon King's. How powerful is this Goddess… Although, she couldn't be that powerful. What kind of God needs others to fight for them.'

Reaching the end of the tunnel it opened into a large area, wooden supports held up the ceiling as the scattered torches dimly lit up the large room. The minecart track that began at the beginning of the mine stretched across the floor like a spider's web disappearing into the tunnels carved into the walls – the tunnels no doubt leading deeper into the mountain. 

Approaching the closest, Leander reached inside. Picking up some kind of ore, he looked it over for a moment before dropping it back down, as something had caught his attention in the corner of his eye.

It was a pile of tools that must have been used in these mines. Kneeling down, Leander picked one up, giving it the same attention as he had the ore. Seeing this, Ravenmother dropped down next to the pile.

"Something wrong?"

Quietly looking at the shovel, Leander's eyes watched Ravenmother for a second. Dropping the pickaxe, he picked up another tool – this time he picked up a pickaxe.

"Don't you find it strange that they would just leave their tools lying on the floor? The old man didn't strike me as the lazy type…"

"Maybe they were just feeling lazy today. After all, they left all these torches burning."

This pickaxe was just like the shovel, the wooden shaft was worn down from years of use, and its head slightly rusted. Even from a cursory glance, every tool in the pile showed signs of wear and tear.

"No, something isn't right here."

"Mmm? What's th-"

The sound of something approaching could be heard coming down from one of the tunnels as grunts and heavy footsteps could be heard.

Dropping the pickaxe, Leo moved to grab his sword – second-guessing himself. He scooped up Ravenmother in one hand, dashing to one of the minecarts on the opposite side of the room, he vaulted across the top of it. Crouching behind it, he rested his back against it.

Confused by what was happening, Ravenmother opened her mouth but before she could speak Leander held her beak shut. Peeking out the side of the minecart, Leander's eyes narrowed. Four manyfang had emerged from the tunnel, in their mouths they each held a mining tool.

The manyfang at the front of the group seemed hurried, growling at the others as if it was trying to hurry them up. Without a second wasted, they hurried towards the exit. As the heavy steps grew quieter until the silence returned, Ravenmother managed to free her beak from Leo's fingers. With an annoyed squark, she hopped onto the minecart.

"What was that for!? Why didn't you just fight them?"

"So you're the Undead Kingdom's master of intelligence, and combat was your first thought?!

Grabbing the side of the minecart, Leander used it to help himself stand up.

"I let them leave so I can follow them. Wherever they are going with those tools, it must lead back to the leader of their pack."

Ravenmother's beak opened, and the sound of a squawking laugh echoed inside the mines.

"Ohohooo, you know. You're smarter than you look, maybe you are worthy of all that praise Melaine has given you."

Glaring at her, Leander started walking.

"Come on, let's not lose them this time. I'll have to keep my distance so they don't notice me… So make yourself useful."


Moonlight shone down through cracks in the heavy clouds, and dim rays of pale light illuminated the rocky outcroppings. Having successfully followed the manyfang to their destination without being detected, Leander hid behind an especially large outcropping of rocks.

Ahead of them, four manyfangs went into a cave. Dozens of manyfang came and went under the cover of night. Different groups came and left, each and every manyfang that went into the cave held a tool in its mouth, although not every manyfang that went into the cave, left the cave.

Landing on Leander's head, Ravenmother bent down to look at Leander.

"It was the same as the last group, and the group before that. They each go into a different mine, steal tools and return here, rinse and repeat. It makes no sense, what use could beasts have for tools."

Watching as the group of manyfang that had just left the cave. Leander noticed like some before them, four had gone in, only three left. Standing up from his hiding spot, Leander drew his sword as he walked towards the cave.

"Enough questions, it's time to get to the bottom of this."

Unlike the mine, this was a completely natural cave. What light the pale moon gave quickly disappeared leaving Leander to slowly move through the dark. Squinting he muttered under his breath.

"It's no good, I can't see at all."

"I might be able to help with that."

Before Leander could question what Ravenmother was talking about, a strange sensation spread out from Leander's right shoulder – the shoulder Ravenmother was perched on. The darkness began to slowly disappear, and soon Leander found himself able to see clearly. Although he could now see his surroundings, his vision lacked any colour. The vision Ravenmother gave him allowed Leander to see in the dark, but only in shades of grey.

As he turned to her with a questioning expression, Ravenmother quickly responded. Her purple glowing purple eyes were the only source of colour in the dark.

"Don't worry, Hero. As long as I'm touching your body you'll be able to see how I see."