Betrayal (1)

"There is something else I overheard which might lead others to think your wife is behind it. All the talk about the affair you were having is passing through the market. Gossip has its positives for us as it reveals things which might be useful," said Eugene.

This was news to Xavier since he came right home after speaking to his family. 

"Enlighten me," Xavier said, his anger turning to another issue. 'What are these rumours saying? I don't recall having an affair with a married woman."

Eugene bit his tongue. He thought Xavier would have heard it by now since his ears seemed to pick up everything in town. "I am getting the feeling that I shouldn't have spoken of that. I do not believe all rumours but whoever is sharing it seems hellbent on letting it spread quickly."

Eugene knew from experience that by the next day all everyone would speak of was an affair. It was bad timing for Selene to also be accused of hurting Lucinda.