Empty graves (1)

"Martin!" Xavier called for the caretaker the second he landed.

Xavier headed right for the two graves which stood out among the others. Some of the flowers Selene placed were still there but now dried up with the petals blowing away with the wind. 

"Martin!" Xavier yelled.

Martin came running out of his small home upon hearing his name. When he saw it was Xavier, Martin wanted to run the other way but feared he would be killed.

Martin nervously rubbed his hands. "Yes, Lord Blackthorn. How can I help you today?"

Martin feared Xavier was angry because he had not kept up with tidying the grave. It didn't feel long since he last saw Xavier and his wife so he didn't think he would be seeing either one of them so soon.

There was some regret over spending the night drinking instead of tending to the graves.

"Get two shovels," Xavier ordered Martin.

"I don't want to die-"