A Brother's Warmth

Then again, there was a high possibility that he was simply being kept out of the loop.

In the past, whenever something dangerous was going on, everyone would often proceed without involving him.

However, Rocco was still a legitimate member of the Di Malvento family.

It was frustrating to be shielded from information like this and being excluded entirely.

For all he knew, everyone could still be secretly fighting against the mastermind behind the scenes.

If that was the case, then he was the only one left behind.

That wasn't good—not when it came to keeping track of the original story's events…

"Muuu… Muuu…"

Fluff, fluff.

Squish, squish.

Rocco spent his dull and uneventful afternoon by lazing around while hugging his Mr. Bunny tightly.

Even the bunny in his arms somehow looked bored.

But he couldn't just sit around like this forever, so with a sluggish effort, he lifted himself off the sofa.