The Kissing Counterattack


Take this—!

The Kissing Counterattack!!

"Mmph—! Mmm—! Chu!"

As Laxus aggressively nibbled at his cheeks with kisses, Rocco suddenly struck back—

Right on the lips.


Laxus immediately went frozen.

And to seal the deal—

Rocco sneakily gave his lips a quick puppy-like lick.

Complete. Stillness.

Laxus's movements came to a halt.

Taking advantage of the momentary paralysis, Rocco grabbed both of Laxus's cheeks and squishhh!—

Firmly squishing them together, ensuring no further kissing attacks from him could happen.

With Laxus stuck in a daze, eyes wide and blank, Rocco smirked mischievously.

"Heheh! See? Surprised you, huh?!"

That's what happens when you suddenly start kissing someone out of nowhere!

Rocco had meant it as a lesson—don't do surprise kisses, or this will happen!


It seemed like the message didn't quite get through.