Laurent gently withdrew her hand and smiled at Maggie.
"I'm just trying to get a head start. You've just graduated, and your knowledge is at its sharpest. I, on the other hand, have been away from this for years, so I need to get to work and learn quickly," she said with a light laugh.
Laurent understood Maggie's perspective. Young people these days tend to prioritize enjoyment in life.
But Laurent was past that phase. All she wanted now was to adapt to this new job as quickly as possible, excel in it, and improve herself.
Maggie, full of curiosity, asked her,
"Laurent, why are you only starting work now?"
The question made Laurent feel a bit awkward, but she didn't show it. She smiled and gave a simple explanation.
"I was at home taking care of my kids."
Maggie was surprised.
"Oh wow, you're married? What does your husband do?"