Chapter 140-Dream on!

In the past, she would always compliment his physique, saying he had no excess fat and that his body made her want to do… *things* with him. She had even teased him once, joking about his… well-endowed "attributes." 

It almost drove him mad, and he insisted on questioning her about where she'd learned such an inappropriate term. 

She refused to answer, and that night, he made sure she paid for it, tormenting her on the bed until she was crying and begging for mercy. 

She didn't even remember how she had learned that word. Anyone who spent a lot of time online, especially those who read romance novels, knew about it. 

So, now, seeing him standing there like this in front of her, Laurent immediately saw through his intentions. 

Fortunately, after seeing his body so many times in the past, she had built up a bit of resistance. 

Though her face was still flushed with discomfort, she tried to maintain a sense of dignity and protested,