Chapter 162- I’ll owe you one.

They wandered around the supermarket for the better part of the day, and by the end of it, their haul was massive—bags upon bags of groceries, nearly filling up the entire trunk. 

As the designated muscle, Dave carried everything upstairs once they got home. Laurent had tried to help, but he wouldn't let her, so she didn't bother arguing. If he wanted to haul everything himself, that was his problem. 

Once they were home, Laurent got busy right away. She sorted the groceries, organizing the ingredients, and then started preparing everything according to her planned recipes. 

While she was washing vegetables, Dave suddenly came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her slender frame firmly into his embrace. 

Laurent sighed in exasperation. She was getting really tired of his antics. She struggled against him, her voice full of irritation. 

"What are you doing? Let go! I'm trying to wash the vegetables."