Chapter 190- I wish you all the best in the future

After sitting down on the guest sofa in Danny's office, Danny smiled and spoke.

"Laurent, I won't beat around the bush. Matthew has approached me several times, saying he wants to bring you to their company. What do you think about that?"

Laurent was taken aback. She hadn't expected Matthew to directly bring up the idea of poaching her. For a moment, she was stunned, then quickly responded.

"Don't worry, Manager. I won't go. I've already turned down Matthew."

Since the first time Laurent worked on an order with Matthew, he had praised her greatly, appreciating how meticulous and serious she was, and how well she coordinated with the factory departments. She was also good with people.

After six months of collaboration, Matthew had started to consider bringing her to Burg Eltz. He believed she was suited for broader development opportunities, not just limited to a small factory like this.