Despite his advisors' pleas for him to change his mind, the Dwarven King still went ahead with his plans to 'infiltrate' the village.
For safety reasons, he disguised himself through magic to seem like a normal dwarf.
His taller stature slowly became shorter, his fiery eyebrows became tamer, and the intricate beard braid that covered half his face untangled itself to become free-flowing down to his knees.
All the characteristics of his royal dwarven blood were gone, turning him into a normal, honest dwarf.
Anyone who gazed at the Dwarven King would feel as if he was just like any other.
Case in point, the Dwarven King approached a single wooden hut in the middle of the forest and knocked on Thrain's door.
"Is anybody—" the Dwarven King roared, but he quickly realized that his voice was too intimidating so he had to change his tone. "Is anybody here?"